Stop Inviting 1% Rich Controlled Centralization in Your Decentralized Blockchain World

Crypto community has been desperate ever since they saw Elon Musk endorsing the DOGE coin purely with the intent of manipulating. People came in hoards like bunch of trolls to buy SHIBINU and DOGE this year just because Elon musk says so.

Here's the problem with inviting the rich 1% in blockchain world for achieving anti-FIAT and decentralization world.

1. If they dominated Centralization, what stops them in Decentralization

People like Elon musk, gates, jobs and others literally dominate and are dominating the centralized system. They have power to literally get many nations under their feet unless United nations stops them.

Anarchist who hold crypto don't want such rich 1% into the decentralized world. If that is the case then why invite the Elon musk into your coin ecosystem? If they can dominate in real world, what stops them from manipulating crypto?

2. Fan Service is Manipulation

Many coin holders who want higher price for their coin preach to the celebs. They want the rich and the popular people using their coin. This way the price of coin rises as sheep investors consider value in such coin. Elon musk proved this by getting into the DOGE first and now he is attacking other coins to manipulation their price and manipulating investor behavior.

3. You like Decentralization? Rich people don't.

Think about it. Rich people have govt and the entire system in their pocket. If you preach decentralization to them, that is their losing ground. Why would you want them in decentralized world? They would preach changes which would benefit them in blockchain. So why invite them in decentralization which they would remodel to suit them?

4. Centralized Dominators in DEFI

DEFI is good because nobody owns it and provide transparent liquidity. Imagine if the rich people jumped into the DEFI. What could happen to such system if people who like centralization comes into it?

What do you think would happen to DeFi, swaps, exchanges, cross bridges? Rich people would chew such system under their own clans.


If you want to get rid of the FIAT. If you want to avoid rich 1% people manipulating your money, your life and the overall social experience. Stop inviting them to preach your coin.

Rich 1% become rich because they learn to manipulate the system. They learn to take the govt for a ride. They learn how to manipulate people below their stature. If you want decentralization, least you can ask for is rich people in such ecosystem leading you.

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