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Philippines adding Blockchain into Govt Operations

Philippines is one of the first nations that started the crypto to FIAT conversion in their nation. And due to all the adoption that they managed to get the chances of the good crypto ecosystme in that island nation.

I feel that more of such island nations get the crypto that would be helping the overall crypto economy. And there would be more value for such type of the islands as they tend to be inclusive for all the nations in the world. In short we grow when other nations grow too.

So where do they are making use of the crypto and what are they working on lately? I feel blockchain being integrated into the govt work and bringin in the transparency is something in the question here. Like say some govt work would require the efforts on the transperancy part.

And by adding the blockchain into the govt work you can have some validation that there is a good thing about the NFT and the blockchan based verification for things that govt wants to put in for the public. Some of such data could be making a strong use case in the times to come. But we have to take all those things slowly and one at a time.

In case of philipines, they have the region baatan where things are going to be deployed. The company called nchain is working on this project and they seem to be taking interest with small items and the conversion as well. In case of the govt based digital asset for the public use there would be some progress.

We want most of the govt going through this path because such type of the approach would be bringing in more income and money too as that would create more jobs too. So slow and steady there is going to be solid growth on those parts as well. We just have to experience this in order to grow.

I won't be surprised that govt around the world would be also adding the AI and the chips that would be powering their work. So the super computers working on the digital infrastructure and making the data available through the blockchain is another set of the possibility as well. We just don't know how long that would take.

Tech is not something you achieve and stop innovating. Because that kind of happened from the 84 to the 2000 era where thigns were slow and steady and not a lot were developed. But with AI we are going to be seeing new things in near future so that's a change for us.

We have a lot of new govt changes ahead of us. And we are going to be seeing the economic and the financial changes out there. So we have to learn to make sense of things around.

What do you think?