Bittrex Falls, Time to Ditch Centralized Exchanges

Every year atleast one exchange is going to be falling. And that is because the govt is on the tail of the exchanges. So it's reasonable to say that we are not going to rely on the exchanges in near future.

Centralized exchanges are painful. And they tend to blow your money in exchange for their own exits. So it's reasonable to avoid keeping large amount your amount into it for long time.

So let's talk about how the future can be with the lack of the exchanges out there.

Bittrex takes out Altcoin Sales

Most of the people used to make use of the bittrex for doing the sale of variety of the altcoins which were supported by the exchange. And that it can be pretty decent approach to change the exchange now and think of ways to sell the p2p and the swap elsewhere.

Hive, TRON and many other coins were into the bittrex and people used them to transfer intot he FIAT. And also it was a source for the swap too. That has changed now that it is going to be harder to do the altcoin sale from this point onwards.

Being confident on this topic now that I have blogged a lot. I feel like they are closed in USA and the rest of the world operations are not that safe. So you have to keep the funds into your own wallet.

Not your wallet, Not your keys, Not your Money

I changed the sequence purposefully. You start any account on such exchange where you get wallet by default, there is no key and you deposit the money. So in short it's not your money anymore.

Bittrex had some of the shady people too. Not like it was any good. And when there are shady people. There is going to be some raids from the US based authorities. And they want to have control over the exchange too.

Some of the time that is what they are after and it can lead to those sort of the options for the future. So if you do it right things are going to be pretty cool on that note. So the right approach is to move ahead with decentralized options.

I stick with Exodus

I am using exodus on my desktop for now. I know there are other options. But singular wallet with multi coins option we have like atomic wallet and the exodus. Some of those options would be a good there for any beginner.

So if you happen to choose any other wallet. Make sure to choose that which is open source and also free. Based on those combinaton I can pick the wallet. It's a good to pick after testing and trying.

What do you think?

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