How This Ecosystem Can Become Your Piggy Bank

The most valuable lesson my parents have thought me is to never take anything for granted, have some savings for the future as you never know what tomorrow can bring. Safety is important and even though some think having a luxury life while being buried in debts is ok, it's not the way you want to live your life long term. Freedom matters a lot!

A shift in mentality is needed for the masses though, for those who still think banks are the solution and the way towards wealth. Feeding the middlemen, when you can do the job yourself is a waste of funds in my opinion and the shirt from fiat to crypto proves I'm right.

Source Pixabay

When I first registered to Steem/Hive, I didn't think much of it, I thought let's have some fun while learning English. But then, as my stake started to grow, I had to work out my financial strategy regarding the future as gambling is not my style.

Piggy Bank

Creating a piggy bank out of your account on our blockchain is the easiest thing to do. While in real life you need to earn or get the money from somewhere to put it into your piggy bank, on Hive you can earn it by spending a little time every day to create content, curate, work on projects etc. Consider the daily earnings the funds you put into your piggy bank.

Not thinking of what you can buy with your earnings can help a lot in accumulating long term. If you can see the benefits of holding long term better than spending it right away, you're already a winner.

Earning Interests And Dividends

Hive is one year old, but has a longer history and the experience we have accumulated is working in our favor. We've evolved over the four, or five year period and in terms of development, we've never been in a better position, which means more and more investment and earning possibilities for everyone.

Even if you have just registered and have little or no experience in the crypto world, you have the possibility to use other users' experience to make money.

We already have three investment projects (SPI, LBI and CL) that are giving you dividends weekly. These investment projects don't need any experience on your behalf. If you know the banker and trust the project enough to invest in it, you're already a winner. You can save yourself from the headache of investing in DeFi and dealing with transaction fees, API, permanent and impermanent losses, let others worry about it.

By delegating to different projects, you're not only earning but also supporting the community. Easy as Sunday morning.

Off Platform Investments

The newest investment project is SEED, that is different from the previously mentioned ones as it's off chain investment mostly. The beauty of the project is that we get to participate in investment projects that require big boy pants as not everyone has the kind of funds needed for DAO Market. On our own we have no chance, but thank God, I mean Empo, we're in.

Earning While Learning

One important detail not many can see is that you have the opportunity to learn on the go, while you can earn the safest way. Accumulating Hive, Leo and other tribe tokens involve no risk. Participating in these investment projects is not without risk, but we have the luxury to know the masterminds behind them and when someone gets to a point where they think it's not profitable anymore or thinks it's too risky, they can get out any time.

You may not make 10x, 20x, 100x in a single trade, but you have the possibility to learn how to get there the safest way, which is priceless.

Changing Lives

I don't have any statistics about how many are living off our platform, but there are quite a few and the number is getting bigger and bigger every day as the economical situation is getting worse worldwide. People are turning to crypto as national currencies are failing to hold their value and the only hope is crytp.

Earning crypto by investing your skills and time, crypto that can be invested on the platform while growing in value is priceless. Having an opportunity to make ends meet 24/7 is also priceless.


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