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Some Copyright Free Image Sites

Looking at today's title, you will understand that today I will share some copyright free photo sites. In some of my previous posts I talked about copyright and plagiarism but today I will suggest some sites to share pictures that are copyright free.

The content of the blogs of those of us who are blogging is on different topics at different times. Some topics may be similar to our real life and some topics may not be similar to real life. Some topics we have to upload pictures like if I want to describe a food or a trip or a shopping then I have to post with related pictures. But there are many situations where we have to write about something new, that is, blogging. There may not be any pictures in our collection of the topic we will write about. In other words, the picture of that topic may not be in our mobile phone or computer collection. In that case we will give pictures from the net so that the post can be formatted in a more beautiful and interesting way with some pictures in the middle of my post.

We will not be able to take pictures from any site. Because different websites have copyrighted their pictures or you can get stuck to monetize by posting with other people's content. In other words, if we search for an image in Google or any other search engine, then the image of several websites easily comes in front of us. In fact, these pictures are uploaded on the website. For example, if we see a picture on Facebook, this picture has been uploaded by a Facebook user. So it cannot be used without permission to use Facebook.

Then it is understood that we cannot download and use pictures from any net if we want. What should we do then? There are a number of non-copyright photo sites where websites ask their users to upload images on a non-copyright basis. This means that those who upload pictures here will upload these pictures unconditionally which anyone can easily collect from here when those who need them can use them. In this case, since the images on the site are not copyrighted, there are no legal restrictions on the use of these images.

So today I will share the links of some such sites through this post. By visiting these sites, you can download any category of images you want and use them in your posts as they are completely copyright free and there is no legal impediment to using their images.

Source: Image by Simon from Pixabay
In this case, if he takes a picture on some site, he has to give the picture below the credit picture. On some sites, this image can be used in exactly the same way as it is, meaning that no editing can be done on the image. Some sites also say that this image can be edited in any way you want and the owner of this image does not have to give any credit. Which category is described next to the picture. So you have to work according to the needs of the image that you download, that is, if you are asked to give credit to the owner of the image, then you will use the image accordingly.

Many of you may have seen such posts where beautiful pictures are given in the middle of writing the post. So many people do this from non-copyright sources. I hope you can easily make your post more beautiful and interesting by using it in the middle of your post from such sites easily for your post from now on. Thank you so much for reading this article.

Source: Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay

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This is Sayful

Ex Banker
Part time blogger
By Profession Lecturer
Fasinated by Nature and Cricket
Day dreamer and a round pig in square hole
Write on Textiles, Online Money Making, Agriculture & Technology

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