Stack assets

This post is the author's opinion and in no way financial advice.

         We live in fascinating times. I remember the crypto world barked about the inevitable collapse of the current system. With rising inflation and financial scandals around the globe, we seem to be getting there. How long will it take? We don't know, but it doesn't hurt to keep preparing.

         The institutions have been buying up assets, real estate, etc. The billionaires are doing the same. What do you think happens when the system collapses? They would still be on top of the food chain unless the marauding crowds seized their holdings.

         Many people think the USD still has many decades before it loses its reserve currency status after 101 years. Never mind that Spain had the longest-running reserve currency for 115 years. American exceptionalism would have you believe there's no way the tide shifts in a decade. A currency can still exist after losing its reserve status, but it will lose its prestige.

         Once again, people learned the hard way about "not your keys, not your crypto." If you still have crypto assets on exchanges, please consider removing them. The same applies to other asset classes. Holding derivatives is worthless. You are better off physically possessing the items.

         For me, I keep enough fiat for expenses and a buffer against emergencies. I try to convert the rest into assets during the uncertain times we live in. Precious metals have always been part of that plan.

         Anyways, here are my recent acquisitions.

         Litecoin was my first altcoin. I sold most of my holdings this past cycle. In terms of ROI in USD, it hasn't been impressive. However, when we take the US's regulatory atmosphere into account, it might be a safer asset to stack. After all, it's a Bitcoin fork.

         As usual, I made sure to grab some standard silver bars, and sometimes a bit of gold. The point of precious metals is not the fiat value. If you want more USD, there are other ways for you to flip more of them until they are no longer useful.

         This may sound like doom and gloom. But, you cannot be too careful these days. We have seen how fast things can change this year. Stay safe and take care of yourselves.

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