Shitcoins Today: Issue #4

         Today, marked my last power down on Steem.

         Yeah, I still got some loose change around, but I won't bother with extracting that last bit of STEEM out. Consider it like a burn. Now, I don't even have to look at the nonsense from STINC or the wallet memo spams that I don't care about.

         I haven't voted much? Wow, you think? It's some automated garbage. I muted the project and its lead's account a few months back. But hey, that's none of my business.

What did you do with your powered down STEEM?

         I split them into half a dozen directions. I didn't convert all of them to HIVE. If I did, I most likely would have over 20K HP right now. Instead, I chose to move the capital into other things. I didn't have much, but a few thousand dollars is still a chunk of change.

So what now?

         Nothing much changed to my normal routine. I haven't posted on Steem since @arcange came out with the revolution badge. The only difference is that I won't have to go back and check on that place every week.

         It's good to be finally out.

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