Monthly PWR Holdings & Emissions Report - Month #8

Things have been going at a steady pace lately. Doing the final push at my first year studies while keeping up with crypto. It's time for a PWR report.

I've did a little adjustment this week before and decided to pull out my own delegations to the project. So finally inflation will go down again. Want to stay there for a while and see how it goes. Rather than delegate to increase the flow of HP I prefer to stay out, keep the inflation low and use external HIVE to repeg if necessary.

@empo.voter (the delegation & curation account) keeps providing @vventures (the holding account) with a weekly flow of curation rewards.

  • @empo.voter currently holds ~7K HP which is in a permanent power-down (~500 HIVE week atm).

  • @vventures keeps adding non-stop and it's at ~16K HP (vs 15K from last month).

A bit of a more modest growth in Hive Power terms the last couple of weeks since I used one full power-down to help repegging and another one to accumulate some HBD.

Talking about HBD:

I've starting adding some HBD under the @vventures savings. For now my goal will be to accumulate something like 50 HBD/month as a little buffer but this balance will really grow as the bear market comes in 1-2 years.

I'm also counting to HBD which I manage to accumulate through which is an extra bonus on top of that.

PWR - SWAP.HIVE Pool Status

I try to realise that the first 6 months of the project's life are over and that the next goal is to create a decent dividend model after 1 year.

In the meantime, I think it is advisable to keep the peg as stable as possible to gradually gain confidence and ideally increase the delegations and depth of the pool.

Price is (almost) on peg :)

In addition, @vventures is now the #1 largest LP after the seed liquidity, which is a very healthy metric for the project.

POL keeps going up. as it should be:

And that's it.

Enjoy your weekend! (and vote for my witness if you like what I do !)

100% of witness rewards going to @vventures.

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