Not your keys, not your Crypto


"You looking at my hardware little lady?"

I've been thinking a lot about security lately and I really want to beef up mine. Thankfully I don't use any of the exchanges that recently stopped withdrawals or went into liquidation, but I still feel that I need to have a better system of storing my crypto. I trade here and there but I don't like keeping large sums of crypto on exchanges for obvious reasons.

Ultimately I want to ensure that whatever crypto I have is available only to me and is unhackable and secure. I am hearing and reading stories daily about exchanges being hacked to the tune of millions and I am starting to feel more and more uneasy about not having my crypto in a place where I know it is in the best possible position - offline essentially.

Trezor has been recommended to me as a brilliant option for a hardware wallet, but until today I was undecided so I did a bit of scouting around.

I looked up some product info and reviews and while Trezor T seems great with the fact that they have a touch screen, it seems that the price is double to triple that of some of the other options available. I don't think that the extra cost just for a colour touch screen is justifiable in my case, so the model T would definitely not be one of the options that I'd look at buying.

Apart from Trezor I've also been looking at Ledger as an option but I tend to read the fine print and each place that sells these has different warranty periods from 6 months to 24 months. I think 6 months is unreasonably short for a product like this so I'm leaning more towards getting it from an outlet that provides a fuller warranty both in terms of time and in coverage.

The one thing that puts me off Ledger is the hack that they suffered a couple years back. If that could happen then, could it happen again? Even though the keys were not hacked and the crypto was technically still safe, the fact that personal information was obtained does not bode well in my mind.

I'm quite safety conscious these days and I really don't like the idea of someone being able to gain personal information through the company that supplies a product like this.

As for the the two options of Ledger - the Nano S Plus vs Nano X. The two main differences that account for the vast price difference is the X has a Bluetooth feature and a battery while the S Plus doesn't. To be honest I feel that the Bluetooth feature could potentially be a weak point so I would actually be quite happy to exclude this from my choice and I really don't feel that a battery and Bluetooth should account for such a vast price difference - similar to that of the touchscreen on the Trezor Model T.

As for Trezor, the one thing that I really like about it is the integrated password manager for all of your online activities including emails and banking (Paypal for example) and you can restore access to your passwords using your seed phrase. This means that every aspect of your online activities' security can be tightened up.

The one thing I did read in online reviews was that the build quality of the Trezor One is not that "solid", but at roughly a third more of the price of the Ledger Nano X, it offers quite a lot more in terms of versatility and uses and it doesn't have the track record of the database having been hacked.

I'm strongly leaning towards a Trezor One, but I'd really like to get some honest feedback from people that have them and what they think of them, ie: YOU.

Please let me know in the comments what your experience has been so that I can make a better informed choice.

Sources used for my comparisons

Image is mine

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