It Is Good To Give But Don't Fail To Build Your Financial Lifestyle

There is no day that we won't experience billing from family and friends where it have become a daily routine to come across. We have individuals who become emotional during such time where they are always willing to help because of the human feelings they have for other people.

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It is good to give no doubt especially when it involves people that are very close to us. But then we should be mindful when the billing and financial expenses becomes too much for us to handle. When we give, we do it for a purpose because we don't know what the future might hold but then it affects planning for ourselves when we give out too much.

There is this human conscience that is attached to the way we do things where we may either feel bad or good about a particular scenario. If we give out too much and we don't plan for ourselves, we might regret our actions later when we have no other means to rely on for survival.

They say givers never lack and that to me involves people who are wise about how they go about their financial lives. You can't give what you don't have and even when we find ourselves managing at some point we should endeavor to restrict some actions to avoid lamenting for money.

When we find ourselves in a situation where we are capable of doing things financially people come around to rejoice and relate with us but when financial crises becomes a challenging burden to bear, we hardly see who will come to our aid when we are seriously in need.

Human beings can't be pleased or satisfied because they will always want to be in a situation to seek for more. To protect and build a better future for ourselves, our financial lifestyle and journey matters because when we give out too much and there is no income that matches the amount of money that goes out such mindset or action can be dangerous and we need to take note.

There is no point trying to please anyone because to me that is of no help, but we should try and know the way forward to acquire more success. Giving out is good because it makes a lot of sense to help people but we should also be careful when it becomes too much in other to avoid financial setbacks that may affect our aim of growing.

When we try and restrict these billings that people bring towards us, it will enable them to reduce the act which would be of relief to us but when we feel we need to help by welcoming the unplanned bills it becomes a burden and can affect our financial growth.

We should have this mindset that if we are no more those bills wouldn't come to us and the people who do this will surely look for solution elsewhere. We need to plan to avoid unnecessary bills that would affect us financially and this doesn't mean we don't care or don't wish to help but we also have a goal and that mission as well need to be accomplished.

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