A Comprehensive Guide To TerraCore Game

Terracore game is the newest addition among games based on HIVE blockchain. It is an idle mining game, but it is not that idle if you thinking of just letting it mine for you in the background, it is more than that.

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Terracore is developed by a renowned Dev called @crypt0gnome, he has years of experience in developing different projects, he also runs a curation project for Splinterlands post that is called Splinter Boost.

Terracore game can be played in Open Alpha using HIVE account and it requires Keychain to access the game. Since, the game is in Alpha mode, there may be bugs and issues while playing it.

The Game Plot

Terracore is a game set up in a very calamitic era when most of the global resources are obsolete due to a destructive incident called 'Great Upheaval'. The citizens now rely on scavenging a precious material called SCRAP which is the only currency they have in the game.

Terracore is primary planet in the game, but for better future, citizens can explore new planets for a brighter future, that is all the citizens are working together to establish contact with another planet known as "Oceana".

How to Play Terracore

Playing the game is very simple, but you have to be observant and stronger for a profitable gaming experience. We'll go through each step from making a new game account to playing the game, so let's start with opening the game page.

- Website

https://www.terracoregame.com/ is the official URL of the game's website, the page has nothing much to look at except for entering your HIVE username and Discord link in the bottom.

- Sign Up / Connect


  • Enter your HIVE username and click "Connect" button to authorize through HIVE Keychain, Keychain will ask your permission using Posting Key.
  • Software License for Citizenship is required to unlock the game, you cannot enter Terracore Planet without having one.


  • A 20 HIVE fee is applicable for a new citizenship license, just click on the "Purchase" button to pay the fee, the Keychain app will pop up and ask you to authorize 20 HIVE transaction using active key.
  • Once paid the fee, you will find yourself inside the game page. You'll also be given a 1 SCRAP, which you can either claim or spend on upgrades.

The Game Page

You can see different stats and clickable items on the game page. We'll learn about them one by one.

  • Stash:
    Stash is your in-game place where you accumulate SCRAP tokens that you have obtained from mining and robbing other players.

Any SCRAP inside the 'Stash' is claimable and also susceptible to robbery by other players. You have to click "CLAIM" button to transfer the amount of SCRAP into your wallet. You need to authorize the transaction using Keychain to claim any in-game SCRAP tokens.

A player is given 5 Claim points, once consumed it will replenish after 4 hours.

  • Stash Size:
    The initial Stash Size is set to 1, which means maximum allowed SCRAP can be earned will be 1.

Stash Size can be increased by stacking SCRAP tokens in Hive-Engine, you can do so by clicking "+" icon next to amount of SCRAP, a pop up window will apppear.
Enter any amount you like to stack and press "STAKE" button to authorize Stake Operation using HIVE Keychain. Once you have a bigger Stash Size, you can accumulate more SCRAP from mining and robbing.

  • Mine Rate:
    This is the speed of mining SCRAP, default rate is 0.0001, at this rate a player can earn 1 SCRAP in about 3 hours. The mine rate can be increased using Engineering.

  • Engineering:
    A player can spend SCRAP to increase the Mining Power, which helps speed up mining rate of SCRAP. The initial Engineering value is 1 which can be increased to next level by spending SCRAP in your wallet. When you click on the "+" sign, you'll be asked to authorize a burn operation of SCRAP using HIVE Keychain.

Each SCRAP level provides 10% increment in the Mining rate, this way you can speed up mining process.

  • Damage:
    Damage is a player's attack power, you can use it to attack other players and it helps you to counter incoming attacks as well. When you attack a player, your damage will destroy its Defense first and then comes the opponent's attack power, if your damage is more than his attack power, you'll be able to successfully rob that player's SCRAP.

Suppose, you have 20 Damage and you attacking a player having 10 Defense, your 20 damage will destroy victim's defense, now you have 10 Damage left to slash its health, and that health you took from the victim will be used as a percentage to steal his SCRAP.

A player can increase its damage by clicking "+" symbol next to Damage stat, you'll be asked to authorize the transaction through Keychain.

  • Defense:
    Defense is a basic stat that protects players from scavengers who try to attack and steal their SCRAP. If a player attacks you, he must break your defense points before stealing any SCRAP. Defense can be upgraded using "+" icon next to Defense stat, you'll have to approve the permission through HIVE Keychain to increase your defense by spending SCRAP in your wallet.

  • Crit and Dodge:
    Crit is a Damage booster when attacking a player, if your attack roll lands a critical strike, you'll receive more SCRAP. Crit can be improved by gaining Favor.

Dodge helps you miss an attack by a robber, you can improve Dodge rate by putting more SCRAP into staking.

  • Attacks Left:
    This is where you can see your remaining attacks, each attack chance take 4 hours to replenish. You'll have 8 attacks in total.

  • Balance Bar
    This bar shows up your HIVE and SCRAP balance in your wallet. HIVE balance is from main chain Layer-I Hive tokens and SCRAP balance is from Hive-Engine Layer-II tokens.

  • Toggle Sound and Referral Link:
    Clicking on the gear icon next to SCRAP balance will bring out Sound and Referral Link menu. You can turn on or off the game sounds from this menu and you can also get your referral link from there.

  • Explore and Battle:
    Explore button will take you to another page where you can visit other planets that are unlocked or spend favor if required, we'll discuss this page in Favor section. Battle button will bring out "Battlegrounds" where you can attack and rob other citizens.



Favor is unique trait that a player needs to obtain for better hit chances and loot. Favor can be gained by sending contribution for exploration of new planets.

You can visit exploration page by clicking on the Explore button, and you'll see a new page.

When you contribute towards unlocking a new planet called "Oceana", you'll receive Favor for every SCRAP you spend here i.e. 1 SCRAP = 1 FAVOR. All SCRAP tokens contributed here will be burned. Contribution of SCRAP is a combined effort, all players can participate to explore a new planet, and the access to a new planet will be based on their highest SCRAP contribution.

Enter your desired SCRAP amount and click "CONTRIBUTE" button, Keychain will pop up asking you to authorize the burning process using Active key.

Additional Explore Page Info:
On the Explore page, you'll also find some useful information about the token and game. Everything shown in the image is self-explanatory.

Battle System


Scavengers always look for greasy SCRAP lying in the Stash unprotected, they measure a player's defense system and attack him to steal their mined resources.

All this occurs in the battlegrounds of Terracore, every citizen can become a nasty attacker and rob your precious SCRAP even in a single attack.

From the main page, click on the "Battle" button to access the Battlegrounds, where you'll see many players holding some SCRAP in their stash.


I am selecting McRahman91, he has 20 Defense and 4 Favor, and my attack is 40 with 4 Favor, which means I can easily attack him and rob some portion of SCRAP. Click FIGHT button to execute the attack and here are the results after winning the battle.


I could take 0.66 SCRAP out of 0.99 from the victim because after removing his 20 defense, I had 20 attack left to damage his health and I robbed about 0.66 SCRAP in the process.

Once you have stolen the SCRAP from the victim, you'll have 60 sec to claim that, and no other player can attack you during 60 second claim time. So make sure to claim SCRAP before the time expire, after that you'll be vulnerable to attacks by other players as usual.

Every attack is recorded on Battle page, when you login to the game, you'll see how many time you have been attacked and how much SCRAP do you lose.


You can see top players in Terracore by visiting Leaderboard section of the game. Leaderboard can be accessed from Battle page.


In the above image you can see recent ranks of players in leaderboard. These are top players who mine and attack big chunks of SCRAP.

Fullscreen Mode


The game is built in Unity Gaming Engine, it is best viewed in Fullscreen mode. The blue expander icon will turn the game into Fullscreen mode, this will enhance the game graphics and give you much better experience.

Selling and Buying SCRAP

SCRAP is a layer-II Hive-Engine token and can be traded in any Hive-Engine DEX such as https://leodex.io/, https://hive-engine.com/, and https://tribaldex.com/.

TerraCore Future Plans

There is a lot going on with the game behind the scenes, a recent Devlog sheds light on the upcoming features and update in the game.

Boss Fights:
There are big plans to reveal boss fights in Oceana planet. Currently, this is what we know so far, but the loot will be amazing.

NFTs will be introduced in the game from April 2023, these NFTs will consists of player avatars, special armor mods, powerful weapons, enhancement tools, and battle ships.

This is comprehensive guide to play TerraCore because I have tried my best to cover all the aspects of the game that a player need to learn before jumping into the world of Terracore.

If you still feel anything left unattended, kindly inform me in the comment. I'll try my best to give you a reasonable response.

Author: EmaxisOnline, Connect with me on Twitter
Like to scavenge on badlands of Terracore then click here to hop on the ship.. and win 1 SCRAP

Reference: Terracore Whitepaper
Game Images taken from terracoregame.com website
Image: Poster made with Canva.com, logo and image taken from LeoFinance.io

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