DPOS is superior to Democratic Republic


Given this election is riddled with salty Trump supporters crying foul and claiming our "democracy" was "hacked", now is the best time to look at alternate forms of governance. Gee, whatever could I mean by that.


A lot of people make the claim that DPOS governance is trash because money buys you a bigger vote. Tell me, how is that different than the system we have now? Those who have the money to campaign pay for votes by manipulating public opinion and selling themselves. We're told that everyone's vote counts, but it doesn't. You are not entitled to your opinion.

This is a numbers game. Players at the top know how to manipulate public opinion professionally. This is a science. Everyone's vote doesn't count because votes can be easily swayed by propaganda, lies, and advertising. Again, in a democratic republic, elections are bought. This fact doesn't even factor in voter fraud.

And then what happens when our representative makes it into office? They do not represent the citizens that voted for them. They engage in imperialism and infinite warfare for profit. They find ways to manipulate their powers of office into money and other favors behind closed doors. Politicians serve the highest bidder. They are designed to be purchased one way or another. This has been going on for centuries.

I'll tell you the difference:

Remember when Steem governance got hacked? What happened? The Steem community actually profited from that fiasco, even though we tried to prevent it from happening. When DPOS governance gets hacked, money gets pumped into everyone's bags. Imagine how crazy it would have been had Justin Sun actually bought all those coins off the market! We'd all be rich by now. Instead, he simply gave us a really good excuse to decentralize the ninjamine so that it is no longer in the hands of a single entity. Either way, it's a great deal.

Meanwhile, when traditional elections get rigged, citizens have absolutely nothing to gain and no way to fork out of the situation. They got ya by the balls. Not so with cryptocurrency, which is opt-in flat architecture. Worse case scenario, your DPOS government gets hacked, you dump your stake and move on to a new network, whether that be a fork or another community that's already been around a while.


Bitcoin update

Many of you know I'm calling this No Dip November. I defined a dip as at least a 10% drop. Well, did you make sure to buy the "dip"? We crashed from $16k to $14.4k an hour ago, which is an 11% loss. Did you all make sure to stack some sats? It was only at this level for a grand total of two minutes... lol this market is nuts.

Trust me, people that sell here are going to be very sad pandas.
Wait at least 5 weeks during these crazy times.
We've all seen what happens to price in December during bull runs.


Even though DPOS seems ridiculous from the outside looking in, it is still superior to democratic republic structure. Legacy governance is full of so many loopholes and rampant corruption that it will never be purified by working within the system.

One of the biggest theoretical arguments against DPOS was that it can easily be corrupted by someone buying up all the stake. Hive is living proof that this theory is 100% incorrect. That bearish speculation never took into consideration layer 0 governance. If the community rejects the state of the blockchain, the entity who tried to hack governance is going to lose big time, and all that value pours into the pockets of the original community.

Our invaluable history will not go unnoticed during the next mega-bubble, I guarantee it. This isn't something that can be bought or designed into the system. It's a battle scar that shows how grizzled we are and how little shit we are willing to take. Can the same really be said about other governance structures? I think not.

With DPOS governance, we actually have a free market and choice. If your brand of DPOS governance betrays you, you can always move to a new community. This healthy competition is only going to become more valuable and more competitive moving forward. For the first time in thousands of years citizens will actually have a choice when it comes to governance and currency. This is the future.

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