Are we all hedge fund managers now?

I have been contemplating recently what it is that I do, it has not been easy over the past years to explain to people what I do, I still don't have a go to answer for the question, instead I have used a variety of responses to reveal either part of what I do or escape the question all together.

For example:

"What do you do?"

"I have a farm in Alegria sector"
"I am a sociologist"
"I manage teams for technical projects on behalf of clients"
"I'm able to do my job using the internet"

But today I was thinking that 'Fund Manager' would be a pretty cool title that actually describes what I, and an increasing number of independent crypto enthusiasts, are doing. Whether you are a successful fund manager or not might just come down to the degree at which you recognize your role as such.

Because moving tokens around on dCity or Hive-Engine is asset management; we are living in a new financial world of #defifarming.


I used some of this logic almost two years ago to convince @raymondspeaks to create the @brofund. We put together some great ideas, and that gave him the confidence to move ahead. I still haven't delivered on my part, which was the delivery of the Dreamr app, but that's a subject for another post. The important point here is Ray stepped up to the plate as a FUND MANAGER, and created great wealth and catalyzed a great community while doing so.

BRO token holders might not know, but by holding BRO as a piece of their portfolio, they are also acting as asset managers hedging into potential projects and profits.


@empoderat's recent post update might show even better how quickly this model can be leveraged for success. @empoderat is now rocking the fund management model, and so far many are happy to capitalize a 'friend as a bank' to help leverage us all to success.

You may not think you are 'capitalizing a bank' when you send your HBD or buy a token, but that's exactly what you are doing with this FUND model.

Legal issues

This is fascinating to me, as it seems the elites that be want to protect us from ourselves. Any one user might scam away with the funds, and thus none of us should be able to do any of this without being rich already (paying massive fees and paperwork and registration to get started).

There are some ways around this, like my Synergy Fund is for entertainment only, SPI is an Investment Club, etc. But the best way forward is actually to ignore unjust and inapplicable and unenforceable rules seeking to stifle our success. In many ways we are cutting edge pioneers building a new model for community powered success.


On the cutting edge of what is possible, the necessary iteration of development takes time. Some people identify these crypto cycles with price, but I identified deep in the depths of crypto winter many people who continued to pound away at development and iteration in this space.

Some best practices are emerging from this work, and so far the Reputational Fund Manager model is one of these. I use reputation because every care must be taken to vet and verify that you are investing with worthy and worthwhile people (or teams).

Yes there is a ton of risk in this space. Which brings me back to the SYNERGY Fund model.

Each Fund can be operated under different principles. The SYNERGY principle, on which I based my INCOME token fund, was the realization that I had that I could find active devs, buy into their project/vision and actively work to help them succeed. That includes making posts, interacting in discord, making alliances and connections, and even developing technical deliverables or finding developers capable of building roadmap objectives - all of these things I have done for projects in my Fund, which is why many of them have invited me onto their team.

Whether I have made a difference in the price or performance of these projects, or how much difference I have made, is probably an unanswerable question. But I have found the experience much more satisfying than waiting and hoping that someone will do something to 'pump my bags'.

In fact, it can even get irritating at times to see people come into the discord of a project and say 'Welp, I see you haven't pumped my bags yet, see you in a month'. I have seen people say very rude and disrespectful things in this space, with their high expectations on project teams and token prices.

Which is why I think the best version of the Reputational Fund Management Model would have token holders recognize their role as asset managers as well, working to build their (hedged) positions rationally and in a complementary way, based on whatever principles they deem worthy.

These are just my thoughts for today, I would like to hear some feedback - How do you view your role as crypto pioneer? What principles/criteria do you use when swapping tokens or capitalizing projects?

Freedom and Friendship!

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