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You will reap what you deserve

It's interesting to see all the posts about people's plans for the bull market. Investing in the Hive ecosystem is a great way to make use of your hard-earned money, but it requires planting the seed first. This means investing in the early stages and hoping to reap the rewards in the bull season. It's a simple philosophy, but many people still struggle with it. Some people expect rewards without putting in the necessary investment. While it might be possible to make money without investing, it's not a sure thing for everyone. So, investing is still the best way to go.

Just like in a real-life situation where people think you owe them something, most of these people have never invested their money or sacrificed anything for you. This doesn't surprise anyone. If you don't do anything for them, they don't deserve it, and that is one of the main things. We mostly forget that most of the things we get are those we deserve, just like yesterday when I talked about the answer, if you don't seek for answer you don't deserve the solution. We always get what we deserve. Also, in our finances, you will get what you deserve.

Stop expecting reward where you don't plant.

Hive is changing this philosophy because, In the bear season you don't necessarily need to plant or sow a seed to earn a decent amount of money during the bull season. While differences will always exist, those who invest their time and resources wisely will reap the rewards. there is a reward for those who follow the right plan and invest in promising projects. Conversely, if we do not invest, we should not expect rewards to come our way. It's important to avoid the common mistake of expecting something for nothing.

There will be a bull season, and there will always be a bearish season. You don't have to have a lot before you start earning from any project you wish to invest in. All you have to do is have a long-term plan. You should follow it because if you compound a small amount of money for so many years, it will grow. Still, people always complain about what they don't have because they plan to go in big and not go in gradually, and it has always been costly because the complaints will not change their life situation and will they be directing the money into unprofitable enterprises.

Change in mentality

To truly change our lives, we must remember that we cannot expect rewards without putting in immediate effort. By adopting this mindset, it becomes easier to overcome laziness and become more disciplined. If we want to reap the rewards of our efforts, whether it be in money, time, or other resources, we must invest in and cultivate them like a plant. Just as those who plant seeds expect a harvest, we too must put in the effort to see the rewards we desire.

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