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Are you introduce properly?


We all joined different platforms for different reasons and sometimes these reasons determine how our approach toward the platform, when joining anything online our approach is like our mindset, and all our energy and zeal toward this platform is determined by the mindset and this normally dictates our success at the end or else we change this mindset. Sometimes those who introduced us to a particular platform always determine our success because they are the ones that give us the picture of where we are joining and what we should expect. If the wrong mindset is implanted in our brain we might miss our way.

Most people joined hive just to make money because those people who introduced them said you can make money by just writing posts and after a few days and few weeks of constant failure they decided to quit but some even ask questions out of desperation how am going to be receiving upvote on hive but the answer was add value to hive. this person might not get it and stop visiting hive, does that mean hive is bad, or is it not a good platform? or hive does not reward people?

Most people fail because they can not see through what they have been told

We have some people that are doing better than those who introduce them to the platform just because they have different approaches and they didn't stop with what they told them but they put in more effort and work smart. Sometimes when we keep working with the same thing everyday we get better in the long run and create a good way of relating to that thing.

On the other hand, some people believe they are smarter than those who introduced them and trying to cheat the system. Instead of them looking for the right way to get better they focus on how they can make things easy and make easy money. after warning some newbies severally about plagiarism on hive they still do it because they believe they can cheat the system but they can not get away with it

When you are introduced to anything in this life the first thing to do is make research. First, make research according to what you have been told and make more research on things you are curious about. This will give you more ideas of where you are going and how it is done over there. This research will let you know where to focus all your energy and reduce your expectations. If It is a platform like hive talk to people about things you want to know and it helps to get your mindset right.


Those who introduced us determine our success sometimes especially when we are a novice in that area. Some people will guide and mentor us and show us the secret of how it is done but some will just give us confused and misleading information and because we are not also ready it ends up badly. When you are introduced to a platform do more research and focus on growing instead of making instant money. Get your mindset right and put in more hard work.