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Why Gold In The Early 2000's Couldn't Outperform Bitcoin.....

Well yes gold is a true store of wealth especially when it come to our current monetary system, but on the other hand Bitcoin has been proven to be that plus more. If your new to bitcoin you could see why bitcoin is better much much better. For one bitcoin is digital and is backed by safe non compromisable security (cryptography) and just plain not that hard to use once you learn the ropes. I feel that everyone should be educated on bitcoin and it's core technology the block-chain. It's our future and a lot of companies are turning to this technology so they can benefit no matter what they're business need. Why? it just plain works and is less of a hassle when you need a means of exchange. To top it all off you can involve yourself with the right start up and invest a small amount and watch your assets grow. This is the main means of the future and that's why I invest my time into block-chain and cryptocurrency it makes sense to work early so I can benefit my future and maybe i'll have the option to start my own block-chain technology. Thanks @durianwalker.
