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Why Block-Chains Are So Crucial!! And Why We Need Them In The Future!!

It's been said the best things in life are free, kind of true but there is always a price to pay when something is created and actually works. The block chain with it's trust-less and cryptographic features with cryptography to back it seems like the best route for system architectures. Plainly said it sort of is, but it being in its infancy and not knowing what the future holds leaves industry analyst kind of skeptical. Why? For one we know what it can do but the security issues on different Block-Chains can only be weighed by the test of time. It is said to actually manipulate a block on the bitcoin network you would need heavy computational power and years to actually change one block, and that's only one block. So my point is Block-Chain is resistant to attacks but on the other end in the future how resistant will it be and would it be worth the time of unscrupulous users as the try to figure out new ways to get they're hands into something they should not. For now we can only hope that our assets are safe and go forth with our technologies with platforms like Bitcoin and Ethereum and look out by keeping our wallets and activity safe. Thank @durianwalker.
