Introducing Myself

Hello Hivers, i really do hope that you all had a nice and sweet day..
Am really exited to be successfully registered through #leofinance..
Wow!!!...its so funny that right now i don't really know where to start from, how to even start 😂😂.. Anyways let me begin by way of #introducingmyself.


My name is Duncan Udo Ekot, all the way from Onna in Akwa Ibom State (Akwa-Abasi Ibom State, the land of promise #verypeaceful)in Nigeria. As a JJC to the community and for easy identification, i am #duncanek.. Thanks for taking note and please don't forget.. (Back to myself) Am a young boy (soon to be a man) 😂😂 with so much potentials and attributes, which i will list below.. 👇👇

  • I am a student with so much zeal and passion for #agriculture 😘


  • I am funny to some extent and annoying when am around folks that don't add to my life (truth) 😛😛
  • I love singing 🎤, and by so i mean am a fan of music 🎶 because it brings me back home when am so much disturbed or lost in thought..


  • I am creative when am happy and at liberty..
  • I'm not photogenic but i love #photography..


  • I love contributing ideas to solve problems, and i like being corrected (it makes me know more)
  • I love reading, and much more.. but one more
  • I'm a lover of the #Gospel i represent #GOD on earth, which makes me play lots of roles like #drumming and much more..


I must say that I really do love this community seriously, but for the fact that there are lots of things to be learnt and i will need lots of guide to be better, i will really need your advices, tips and even guidelines..
Furthermore, shout-out to my awesome brother with same bloodline @ekeminiemy for introducing me to actifit which through he also introduced me to #hive and my incumbent pastor, friend and secret mentor @uyobong who also introduced me and taught me lots about the community and through him i've known and met great people here on #Hive like @peckypeace who helped me in most cases and more like @glotokens @dave-estates @anicom @zellypearl @starstrings01 @evegrace @tomlee and lots more, thank you sir and God bless you.
Although new, but i found some community which i love and will try my best to add, contribute in the way that i can to encourage and no to discourage for better improvement.
At this point, i rest (off my microphone). I still stand to be guided and advised for more improvement.
Thanks very much #great-hivers for having me and thank you for stopping to take a glance of my introduction.
I remain your faithful boy @duncanek

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