Showing Up Every Day, For One Year


Today marks the end of my 365 days writing challenge. At the beginning of 2021 I decided to publish a blog post (on my personal blog) every single day.

I made it.

Even more, on some days I wrote an extra article here, on Hive, as some crypto-related content seemed too niche for my personal blog.

Showing up for one year, every single day, was very different from what I thought it would be. It didn't feel as spectacular as I envisioned it, anyway. Many days I just dragged along, crossing off the post from the list and moving forward. The actual process was overwhelmingly flat, not exhilarating (at least not as often as I expected) and just tiring. I wrote in more detail about that in the last blog post of the challenge, so if you want the nitty-gritty go there.

But there is a fantastic takeaway of this flat and boring process: there are 365 articles behind me. Let's say just 10% of these are actual material that can be transformed either into a larger essay, or a book, or a course. That's 36 articles. At an average of 1000 words per article, it gets to 36,000 words. And, speaking from experience, writing a 36,000 words book is a very important achievement, and not at an easy task at all.

What I'm trying to say, without glorifying boring and flat (I hate flat and boring, to be honest) is that persistence pays off. In this case, it paid off in terms of writing. But it may pay off in terms of investment too.

If instead of writing one article per day, you would set up a goal for 2022 to invest every single day, or to save something every single day, at the end of it things will look dramatically different. Saving pennies every day may feel flat and boring, even humiliating at times, but spanning this process over such a long time will create incredible value. You may not be able to zoom out while you're in the middle of it. There will be days when you simply don't want to put pennies aside. And yet, you will do it just because you want to finish this challenge.

And once the year is over, after 365 days, the magic power of compounding will suddenly shed a brutal light over your finances.

Probably for the first time in your life you will feel - and you will also be, compared with previous year - rich.

It's a nice feeling.

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

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