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My Apology blog To LeoFinance Community!


Disclaimer: (this blog is written by non-native English speaker expect some mistakes)
In this blog, I will not give a lot of details as maybe the information I share, do more harm than good.

This all happened when I told my friend in a blog post's comment that we can use some tags to get upvotes from specific account and then I got downvoted and got nullified on all my posts. I was unaware of my mistakes and because of non-native English speaker, the words I use can be classified as Mocking of bot. I did mistake of using leofiance tag in non-finance-related blogs. It was just a single comment of a friend's post that got me nullified.

I also discussed It on discord and the issue was addressed properly.

Conclusion: I accept my mistakes, my punishments. I am really sorry for the damage done by me. I accept the damage done to my account as I deserve every serious punishment leofinance thinks is suitable to maintain leofinance tag finance related. I have message for readers is to use proper tags.

@onealfa @wesphilbin @onealfa.leo @leovoter