On earning as much money as possible; The question of being free, and do what one wants in the life!


You cannot have people around you, with just focusing on the Bible on food and clothes when we are here. We should instead use our intelligents, our abilities, and our knowledges from the schools on different levels to earn much money. And it is nothing wrong with these things, unless all what we are thinking about concerns the human relations, the things we are having in our minds, and what we are engaged with from time to time.

So, we should work together with the people we are meeting from time to time, and we cannot claim that something is wrong, because what we are and what we are doing are related work and toil, and we should learn what to do, and doing what to learn, and what we are should be something in relation to what our senses and our bodies are telling us to do, and there is nothing wrong with getting much money, and if we have enough money, we can give them further to organizations and positive purposes.

So, cash is king! And cash is about having fuel in the organization, and it should work, and we should have enough fuel to all times on the car, and that is like the money in the organization, and therefore we must deny people meaning something with our meanings, since the opinions are ourselves, and we have the responsibility ourselves about what to do, how to do thing, and why we are doing things like we are doing them.

So, the messages from the Bible, that are the reasons why some people have been poor in the life, and we should avoid poverty in the life, and use our education, and that is the background from NHH and SNF in Bergen, and the employees are nice there, and we should enjoy the knowledges given from these institutions, and we should like to know the best professors there. So, Bergen is no conflicts and no intrigues, and we should be focused on doing our best in life to any time.

The philosophy with NHH in Bergen, is to do trade, and to earn money on the trade that is doing, and hence we have economics and business administration to organize what is happening anywhere to any time. And we should apply for many positions, and take the positions where we can use ourselves and the competence that we have. And that is how the life really is about just know. And you know, Petter Stordalen and Kjell Inge Rokke are clever and intelligent persons in Norway, and they ask the question of where we can raise much money, and where we can pay small taxes, and where we can live the life with low enough cost level, and these questions are important to be engaged with, and therefore they are leaving Norway to Switzerland or whatever country in Europe, and these things seem sensible, and in accordance with what you and me want with our lives.

So, people are what they are, due to where they have ever been, and what they have learned different places, but the schools we have in our backgrounds, yes, they should be used with cleverness, insight and strength. And we have the schools and the research institutions to use them, and we should love our people around us coming from different families, different friends and different environments, and you know, you can never claim that the Bible should be used in all countries in all the lives that is to perceive and to be perceived. And we have these study programs and the different books of any kinds, because we should learn the lessons, and because we should know what to do and how to do things.

So, national and international trade and all of the trade's ramifications, what are these things really about? Well, we should use our competence in microeconomics, macroeconomics, the development of economies, the statistics, the national and the international trade, and being engaged with anything in the countries where we like to operate, and you know, marketing, economics, strategy, leadership and information, that is really these things that any firm in business life is concerned about, and we should love all the employees many places, and we should do our best efforts together with them.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway


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