Choosing Your Friends Wisely As An Entrepreneur

Have you heard the saying, birds of a feather flock together. Whether you believe that statement or not, the truth of it is undeniable. In reality, it is evident. The kinds of people you allow into your space will go a long way to influence you, knowingly or unknowingly. Thus, it's imperative to be careful when picking friends.


In every relationship, there's always a dynamics. It's either you are benefit from the person or the person is benefiting from you or you're mutually benefiting from each other. The third scenario is always the best. You don't want to be a parasite to another person, neither do you want another person to be a parasite to you.

The reason I made that point is that, some people just allow their friends get into their space and suck them dry. Not just mentally, but emotionally; and in some cases physically. After they leave you're completely drained, and you're unable to do your tasks of the day. They keep showing up at your doorstep uninvited and taking your valuable time doing intangible things.

That's not the way an entrepreneur should make friends. You have to pick or choose your friends wisely. There's a saying, make your teachers your friends. That's a powerful idea, because when you do so you're always learning from them even as you're all have a good time. You get advise on how to become a better person and they challenge you to do greater things.


You can't undermine the power of such a relationship. One where on every meeting, you get to learn something new or get an eye opener on some areas of life. You should be making friends with people that can better your financial, mental, and physical life. And you should also find a way to be of value to them as well. Your relationship should always be mutually benefiting, so it can last long and everyone is happy.

If you don't find a way to add value to your friends as well, over time, they might get exhausted as well, since you're now the one sucking vital energy and knowledge and resources from them. There's also a saying that if you want to make better friends, you have to first work hard to be a better person yourself.

Thanks for taking time to read!


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