Temple, Tezotopia, and Quipuswap - DeFi and GameFI Plus More

We started to explore DeFi and GameFi more earlier in 2022 and were lucking for some fun and easy to use tools to do so. Our selection for which Layer 1 to use is Tezos, and we have many reasons for doing so. The most important reasons include how easy and seamless Tezos upgrades and how easy and cheap it is to use Tezos.

The route we took to learn more about Tezos and these topics is the use of the Temple Wallet and the GameFi and Yield Farming game Tezotopia. Tezotopia, like sMiles Bitcoin, is a way to easily earn and learn.

Tezotopia easily synchs to the Temple Wallet which easily aligns with Quipuswap. It all works together.

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