Saturday Savers: Despite The Odds

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This week started real good for me. Things were going fine until suddenly, it all changed. My discomfort started with work and then moved into my business and basically, the only thing that kept me going was the knowledge of whose I am and where I come from.

Hive was also a major participant because I forget everything when I come here. At work, I would get lost in the world of different perspectives and visions. My mind gets busy, emptied of all not so good thoughts!

Paying Bills

Since I joined the Saturday Savers, I have looked forward to every weekend when I can go Hive Shopping but it wasn't possible today. It is the beginning of the month which means bills need to be paid. Woke up this morning to a pressing line of them. I had already settled some at the closing of last month, which I am grateful for.

Mom and I split the bills so we could live comfortably. She handles half and I do the other half. It has been good so far.

Not being able to go Shopping this weekend did not in anyway douse my fire. It only reminded me that things wouldn't always work as planned. The fact that I was actually prepared for it is what I choose to dwell on. This means I am starting to really handle my finances a little better. Hah!

In your face, Life!

Still Moving Forward...

I am overall happy that despite everything, I did move up a smidge in my goals:

  • I participated in the Hive Power up day, boosting my HP by 10

  • A tiny level-up in my savings

  • Earning some more LEO (through engagement) and DHEDGE

This one 👇 was last week:

So, the stone is still rolling and I would definitely be participating in the upcoming LPUD.

An Overall View

My 5 Goals


How did you do this week? If you are interested in knowing more about the Saturday Savers, check out @eddie-earners.

This is NOT meant to be investment advice. As always please do your own research before investing.

Lead Image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels. Screenshots are mine.

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