Hive Communities Analysis | December 2020 | Communities Created, Top Communities by Subs, Activity and HP Weight

Hive communities officially arrived in February 2020. Before this there was in a test phase that starting from October 2019.

Communities should allow users to find content of their interest easier and also post in the communities of their interest, allowing them to connect more with people alike. It should help discovering content as well.


With the media tokens updated communities can have their own tokens in the future.
Here we will be looking into the following things:

  • Number of Communities created
  • Top Communities by number of subscribers
  • Top Communities by activities
  • Top Communities subscribers’ stake
  • Communities growth with subscribers

Number of Communities created

First let’s see the total number of communities created with time.


As already mentioned, communities went live officially in February 2020, but they were in a test phase before that. The period above is from November 2019 till June 22, 2020.

We can notice that there are communities created before the official launch date, but the spike in the number of communities created is quite visible in February. On February 20, there was more than 200 communities created. Afterwards the number dropped and lately there is just a few communities created per day. Interesting there is another spike around September 23th.
More than 2000 communities exist now on the Hive blockchain.

Top Communities by number of subscribers

Who are the top communities on the blockchain?
We will be looking at this by more than one parameter, but for starters lets take a look at the most obvious one, the number of subscribers.

Here is the chart.


The GEMS community comes first with 8.4k subscribers, followed by OCD and DTube. These three have been on top by the number of subscribers in the last report as well.

Some other know communities there as Hive Gaming, LeoFinance and PowerHouseCreative with more than 3000 subscribers.

Overall, the numbers of subscribers in the communities keeps on growing. We will check this out in a separate chart as well.

Top Communities by subscribers’ stake

Another interesting way to rank communities is the stake of their subscribers. After all we are on a DPoS chain 😊.
What is the stake weight of the subscribers in each community?
Here is the chart.


In this type of ranking the OCD community comes on top. The HiveDevs community is on the second place followed by LeoFinace. LeoFinance has been growing and surpassed the GEMS community that was on third spot in the last report.

Top Communities by activity

The number of subscribers in a community and their stake is important. But more important probably is how active the communities are.

Here is the chart for the top communities by the number of posts made in the last 30 days.


The GEMS community comes on top here, followed by Actifit and then LeoFinance. D.Buzz has been claimning the ranks and its also in top communities by number of posts as well. Shortform content is gaining.

Top Communities by active authors

What about active authors? How many in the last 30 days?


This can be basically MAU (monthly active users) per community.
The GEMS community is on the top here as well with more than a 1000 monthly authors. Next to it is LeoFinance that has growned in number of authors and its quite close now to GEMS. In the previous reports the GEMS community was leading by a lot.

Communities growth with subscribers

At the end, a chart with few of the communities that have showed a nice growth in the past months.


The HiveGaming community has done well growing to more than 4k subscribers. LeoFinance, OnChainArt, Natural Medicine all have gained significant numbers of subscribers. The Photography Lovers is an interesting one, although started later it has grown very fast and at the top.

Hope to see more communities and more development on this side 😊.

All the best

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