Active Hive Accounts By Category In 2022

The Hive blockchains has around 2.4M.
There has been a big expansion in the number of accounts in the last year, 2021, while 2022 has some moderate numbers.

What percent of these accounts are active? How many active accounts the Hive blockchain has and how are they transacting/using on the blockchain?
How is the bear market influencing the number of active accounts?

Let’s take a look!


Top Four Hive Operations

We will be looking at the activity on the chain by the top operations made:

  • Post and comment
  • Votes/Curate
  • Transfer coins
  • Custom JSON transactions

Apart from the above, reading, or page views, is also a crucial part of this ecosystem, but this type of operation is not stored on the blockchain. There are some general traffic websites that can be used for this, like

We will be looking at the number of active accounts by the operations stated above for 2022.
We will be looking at the number of DAUs (daily active users), the number of MAUs (monthly active users), and then summary for the whole year.

Daily Number Of Active Accounts In 2022 [DAUs]

First let’s take a look at the number of accounts active per day. Here is the chart.


The above is the chart for DAUs, for accounts making any type of operation.

As we can see at the beginning of the year there was around 400k DAUs, then there was a massive drop in June 2022 to around 200k DAUs.
Since June the number of DAUs has been quite constant around 200k.

What type of operations are these accounts making?
From previous analysis we know that most of the DAUs are coming from Splinterlands. If we take a look at a chart with active accounts per operation we got this:


The top line are the accounts making custom JSON operations, that in most cases are Splinterlands operations. The number of these accounts is so much higher then the rest of the operations that we can barely see them on the bottom of the chart.
The number of daily accounts making custom json operations at the end of the year is around 200k per day. The drop in June 2022 is due to a change in the Splinterlands rules when a lot of bots stopped playing, especially in the low level leagues.

If we exclude the accounts making custom json operations for better visibility, we get this:


From the above we can see that there is around 12k accounts voting/curation on daily basis, then there is around 3.5k accounts making posts or comments, and around 2k accounts transferring funds, at the end of the year.
We can notice a slight downtrend in the number of these operations, but no significant drop, compared to the prices.

Monthly Number Of Active Accounts In 2022 [DAUs]

The monthly numbers might give a better perspective for active accounts, as not all the users are making operations daily. Here is the chart.


We can see a more gradual transition here.
There is a drop in the MAUs, but not the sharp drop in June like for the DAUs. The year started with almost 700k MAUs in January and the numbers continued to go down up until August when they hit around 400k and stayed around that number till the end of 2022.

When we breakdown the monthly active accounts by type of operation we get this:


As for the DAUs, we can see that the custom JSON operations are dominating this chart as well. The year started with around 650k accounts making custom json operations and ended with around 350k.

If we zoom in for the other three categories that are almost not visible on the chart above, we get this:


An overall downtrend here as well.
Votes comes on the top with 25k active accounts per month in January, and around 19k in December. There is around 15K accounts transferring coins in December, down from the 20k back in January.
On the posting side, the year started with 17k active accounts in January and close to 11k in December 2022.

Active Hive Accounts By Category In 2022

When we sum up the above and get the data on a yearly basis we get this:


Number of active accounts in 2022 by operation:

  • Custom JSON - 761k
  • Transfers – 64k
  • Votes – 51k
  • Post and Comments – 47k

In total more than 800k accounts made some type of operation in 2022 on the Hive blockchain.

The custom json operations remain dominant on a yearly level as well.
Whats interesting is the number of accounts transferring coins is on the second spot here. On the daily chart these accounts were the least active, but when we sum it up for the year, there is more accounts transferring coins around then posting or curating.
Although we can say that compared to the custom json, the other three types of active accounts are quite close around the 50k mark.


There has been an overall drop in the number of active accounts on the chain in all type of categories. The highest drop has been in the number of accounts making custom json operations, aka Splinterlands players. This has been a result mostly of the change in the economy of the game and making low level bots inefficient.
From the other operations like posting, voting and transferring coins the drop in the numbers has been smaller.
Most of the active accounts on the Hive blockchain in 2022 has been Splinterlands players, with 200k DAUs, 400k MAUs and a total of 750K Splinterlands players on a yearly basis.
On the posting side there is now around 3.5k DAUs, 11k MAUs, and 47k accounts making a post or a comment in 2022. On the curation side, 12k DAUs, 20k MAUs and 51k active accounts per year.

The downtrend is obvious from the charts above, but compared to the price of the HIVE token, that started the year with 1.5$ and ended around 0.27$, the drop has been much smaller. We can say that there are core users that are swing trough the stormy weather around here 😊.

All the best

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