Week 1 of the daddyspardan token crypto goals of 2022

With this post idea I have started the idea of keeping Up To Date with the token goals over the next 16 months
now my main plan is to increase all of them by 10% each path to build upon the foundations, however some may gain from interest and other gathering projects so it will be a test to ensure that I get all done before 2022 is over and I know I mentioned this post back last Friday so I havenโ€™t had as much progress but I figured a weekly post every Monday would be a good idea

Hive Currently (1022)
Previously (1017) +5
Hive goal 2022 (10000)
Leo currently (104)
Previously (103) +1
Leo goal 2022 (5000)
Cub currently (666)
Previously (640) +26
Cub goal 2022 (10000)
Pizza Currently (16780)
Previously (15409) + 1371
Pizza goal 2022 (100000)
Cake currently (0.31)
Previously (0.3) +0.01
Cake goal 2022 (500)
SPS currently (633)
Previously (520) +93
SPS goal 2022 (20000)
BFG currently (384)
Previously (300) +84
BFG goal 2022 (100000)
Bro currently (1)
Previously (1) +0
Bro Goal 2022 (100)

So this week it been a gathering of the odd bits and with the addition of the BFG token (betfury) and the Bro token I have made a bit harder to achieve but every mountain and that ๐Ÿ˜Š

I will try my best to improve the look over the coming weeks with graphs and bars but i'm relearning excel, So it might take me some time to ACCESS this.


Anyway see you same time next week ๐Ÿ˜Š

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