Good Thing Happens To Those Who Persevere! Can Splinterlands Be Tax Free Investment?

The thing with working with RNG is you've got to bet for the ong term. If not, I'd say try a few rounds and quit once you are ahead and making some ROI. Splinterlands is a game that I'm in for the long run. It's really an investment for me.

It's been ages since I bought Untamed Booster Packs. Yet I keep opening them & I get these lovely wins occasionally. These 2 openings were from my rewards for Mystery Potion from 2 days.

Look At Cost

I've been taking a look at @splinterstats It looks like 1/3 of Mystery Potions gets me a Booster Pack. I buy 11 Mystery Potions 10,800 DEC. That's 981.81 DEC/Mystery Potion.

It can cost me 2,945.45 DEC to get 1 Booster Pack (Estimate)

So what do I get for that extra 945.45 DEC I spend? I get 4.54% chance for Land Plot Claim. That's a $20 purchase at current prices. I can win 1 Land Plot Claim every 22 days.

  • 945.45*22 = 20,799.99 DEC

It's A Near Break Even

Rest of the rewards are almost equally spread between Potions & Reward Cards. Just 2 days of winning potions will get me above break even point. At that point I'll be doing pure ROI from Mystery Potions!

Best Part Is They Help With Your Pack Openings!

At current rate, I'll never have to buy potions to improve my chances of Legendary & Gold Foil Cards. This'll change if I get enough money to make some bulk purchases in future.

My main point is Mystery Potion = Guaranteed ROI

Numbers used to be far better. There were only 60-70 Mystery Potion users daily Numbers have almost 2X. It may grow even bigger in future.

PayPal Integration = Easily Get Fiat Into Crypto

@taskmaster4450 posted about @blocktrades working on fiat onramp to Hive. We've already kind of got that with Splinterlands & PayPal.

It's Just "Entertainment"; Not Investment (Not Tax Advise)

When you buy Pokemon cards or comic books, do you consider it as investment: No. There's still taxes involved with large sales. But normally it's treated as "Entertainment". Wouldn't buying "Credits" for a game be considered just that?

Again...... this isn't tax advise. But I'm leaving this out for the smart people on blockchain to talk about.

There'going to be a record of every Tx you make with Cards/Packs you buy. But game stuff and money stuff are so mixed up together it'll be a difficult case for current legal systems IMHO. I'm no lawyer. But what if we talk about this and use Splinterlands as a way to invest into crypto while staying under radar :)

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