Money, investment & salary

I am running a little low on what to write about at this moment in time. So I am just going to write about stuff I actively do.

Money, Investmemt & Salary

Now that I have to into a more comfortable place with my salary I can start to look at more or better investment oppitunities, mainly stocks since my country sucks when it comes to crypto.

(I did write about getting changing job soon and it might still happen (higher salary))

So lets start with what I am doing now.

I am just contributing 500 dkk (70 usd) to my index funds every single month automatically and I will continue to do so, I want to contribute more and I might be able to do this when I get a better idea of my new expenses and average salary, but I am also putting 1000 dkk (140 usd) into savings every month so I can build up my emerceny fund again (I used half of this moving apartments) but I wonder if I should switch the two amounts around, so I wouls invest more then I saves at the moment. Gotta think more about that.

Besides contributing monthly to my index funds, I also do lumpsum investment now and then when the market is down and I want to do this more often or buy more of the stocks I already have more often so expand my portefoile value and Dividends gained overtime.

I recently learned about something called "Coast Fire" which is where you invest a lot of money fast to a certain point and then stop since youe investment will climb and hit your retirement target without you contributing anymore.
You will still have to work to pay for your expenses, but you free up more capital since you don't need to contribute to your portefoile anymore. Sounds amazing even though it takes quite a "big" number in early investment.

There is also something called "Barista Fire" where you can simply switch to a part-time which pays for half your expenses and your portefoile pays for the rest of your expenses (the 4% rule)


Source of FIRE

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