The Killer App of Cryptocurrencies is YIELD


Yes It Is...

The whole financial world and in fact, anyone who wants to retire is looking for a better return on investment. Now, yield is getting harder and harder to get. Back in the 80's you could just park your money in a saving account at 8% or 10%. Our generation doesn't have that luxury.

To add insult to injury, assets prices are going parabolic since our government decided that printing money is the best solution for our country's fiscal troubles. Since Nixon got us out of the gold standard, the US Dollars has lost 95% of its value.

The first killer app was Bitcoin. Digital money, independent of governments who cannot be inflated away, is faster, better, stronger, and cheaper than the current legacy system. (You can transact a billion-dollar in a few minutes across the world for pennies)

The second killer app is yield. 100 Trillion dollars is moving around in search for better returns. Now crypto can provide their users with yield in a transparent way, where you know exactly where, how and when it was generated and that in the cryptocurrency of your choice.

Do you like USD still?
Get 10% of USDC. Do you prefer BTC? Get 6.40% on BTC using Celsius Network or Blockfi.

Sign up to Celsius Here: (Get a Free $50 in BTC)
Sign up to BlockFi Here: (Get a Free $10 in BTC)


This is for entertainment and educational purpose only. Not financial advice.

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