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This Is Not The Time For Negativity


Oddball in Kelly's Heroes used to bitch constantly about the Negative waves as with negativity clouding your thoughts you will never succeed.

I see so much FUD around on social media lately in a couple of crypto projects I have selected and invested into. I do believe price and FUD go hand in hand and with the price having dropped over the last few weeks there is a fair amount of disappointment. The snowflake mentality of entitlement when the plan is not going according to how thy had mapped it out in their heads. I actually wish these types had never found crypto as they are not strong enough mentally to deal with the market.

Personally I just don't get it as volatility and crypto are linked at the hip so whatever goes up tends to come back down again. I do think when certain individuals have dreams and expectations they become frustrated when things don't go according to their plans. Many expect prices to reflect when the launch of a new project is run out, but as we all know this is rarely the case as this is just another step forward and may only reflect a year later. Layers of development is what creates the value over time and never instantly.

From where I stand I am just grateful to be involved in crypto as we are still such a small percentage of the population and this is a very good thing. We often here about people taking their chances or receiving a lucky break in life and I feel this is our chance. This obviously depends how you view this information and then what you do with it. many still don't know how fortunate they are to be involved at these early stages.

We have seen tens of thousands join Hive and disappear within a year or less and one has to think what if they had stuck with it where would they be now? When I joined I was account number 828 518 which means there were 828 517 accounts ahead of me and now I am ranked at 186 on Hive Buzz For Hive Power. Everyone of those accounts who were ahead of me when I joined had the exact same opportunity and it is entirely up to you in how seriously you take this.

Patience is the key word here as I would love to have millions of dollars, but know in order to achieve that there is a process that needs to happen first. I expect those who are frustrated with the price will sell and never hold crypto for any length of time. price should have no bearing especially in the early years of any new technology. Give yourself a chance and at least build something of value as an established account could take up to 10 years to achieve.

I was asked this yesterday on what my exit strategy is and the truth is I don't have one as long term the plan is to use these investments to create income streams. Exit strategies are a foreign word in my vocabulary as I see this like selling Bitcoin for $100 as we all know full well crypto is going up way higher than we can even contemplate.

Crypto is not difficult if you stick to the basics and making a million dollars should be child's play. This should be the bare minimum of what is possible for anyone who has been involved involved with crypto for 4 years or more already. This is all about the mind games as this is the trickiest part of crypto as everyday is another opportunity to grow the stake even higher which should be happening automatically if we are all set up correctly.