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Not Your Normal Investment Fund


Today I stumbled upon something quite different looking through twitter and one of the comments stood out. Intrigued I opened up and was quite amazed in what is going in. About a year ago @taskmaster4450le wrote a post about being able to invest and buy into almost anything through tokeonomics and this is exactly what this is. This is what I originally thought an NFT was going to be and not some digital artwork that made no sense that sold for $1000's.

source allows you to invest in one or more of their building projects and when completed allows you to share in 95% of the profits. 5% goes to a charity that is voted on by the investors and the rest is split. One can cash out or move on to the next project so it is a never ending journey unless you choose to cash out selling your tokens. Each project has a timeline so one would have to calculate the return vs time carefully.


Not your typical type of crypto investment as there is no exchange so the only way to make profit is to hold until the project is completed. The more you invest in the project or the bigger the stake as they look like what we know as reward pools for each project. These are not massive investments considering some are only a few million in value and knowing how quickly these things can attract attention. This is still early days and I do like this concept.

source is different to crypto even though they use tokens and that there is a real item that is not digital. I will definitely do some research into this token and the projects they are doing once I have made more from crypto. This could easily be another form of passive income that isn't related worrying about a bear market. If we know that the bull cycle is over come February or March one could easily look for something outside of crypto that could be a decent investment for the next 18 months. Then again how long will the next bear market be as we really don't know.

Looks simple enough to get involved. Buy CurveBlock digital shares (with GBP/USD/EUR/ETH) and then stake against the projects you want to invest in.

Today we have so many choices on where to invest and if one looks I am sure there are other projects similar to Money makes money and doing well in crypto can afford us to look outside and not be all in on something that is extremely volatile. On the other hand volatility is what makes such quick gains so making 30 or 70 percent over 18 months or 24 months may not be such a great return. Still diversifying your portfolio is always a good idea and having investments outside of crypto is not a bad option either.


Project Wallington which they are currently busy on. Labelled the ugliest building in the UK is receiving a facelift to make it more sellable.

The one thing I did notice is they do new housing which are 100% free from fossil fuels which is pretty cool. Now if you were looking to buy a house or have some land you could invest in your own house and bring down the costs by making profit on your own project. They are in the UK so another project might be available in your country as this is all still fairly new and I am sure other projects will spring up similar to this one. Always do your own research though as making sure any project you invest in is legitimate.