Just Keep On Playing


I was reading @tarazkp's post last night abut Hive being the best adult game there is on the internet. One has to see Hive as a type of game as I know I certainly do. There are just so many similarities with things like your Hive Power (power bar). The levels your staking obtains like red fish, minnow, dolphin, orca and whale. The only difference is this is real money and not monopoly.

What other game can make you into a millionaire giving you financial freedom without having to be a super star? Turning up each day staying busy and earning can certainly add up over time and who knows how much this will be all worth in the coming years. If after 3 years you can be worth $60 000 like I was earlier in the year then given enough time and with the right upward trend in price anything is possible. Staking and growing is the key to a better future and this is an opportunity not to be squandered. How many have left over the years and have returned only to realise what they had given up.

The only thing Hive does is suck you in and swallow you up as it is rather addictive once you understand how the blockchain works. The biggest mistake new accounts make is they don't spend enough time to learn and understand. I spent the first 6 months getting my head around things and I am still learning everyday.

Development is the key to growing Hive not only in it's offerings but in attracting new users. We may not notice the development happening around us ,but things are constantly changing. The idea of being able to lease out your Resource Credits to a pool is something I am looking forward to not as an extra earning opportunity but more for helping develop the entire Hive eco system in whatever way they may be used. The more value Hive has overall it benefits every person and every tribe.

We already kind of know the new things that are already coming under development and they are all big items in their own way. 3Speak development, Dlux and Project Blank are all big ticket items and will transform changing Hive yet again as nothing ever stands still.

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