Benefits Of Staking Your Hive Engine tokens

Sometimes back when I was still a novice and even still today as I wrote this post, I have the mindset of unstaking my Hive engine token just because of unforeseen circumstances. I will not hide the truth, I discovered that some of the tokens I have in my Hive engine are skyrocketing in price. This was when I started unstaking them all without wasting any delm time thinking they would remain the same until I had all unstaked tokens. After so much waiting, those tokens went back to sleep. They were not yielding what I expect and not bringing me rewards.

Actually before now, I have been gaining from the staked tokens but after unstaking, I was not having rewards.

Beauty of staking your Hive Engine tokens

Sometimes back, I have no idea on what is called Hive engine token. A friend of mine told me to click the hive icon on the Hive reward. I did just that and discovered a lot of tokens with values.

Sometimes back, I discovered a token called WIT token. I never knew what I do to acquire it, but I just saw it in my Hive engine. It was about $89. I was hoping it would increase more than that value but then it kept on decreasing. After two weeks, the value became less than $2. I have about 15,000 of this token. It was shared equally among stake and liquid. Since I have the intention of selling it, I unstaked it to zero.

This was the biggest mistake I have done which I would never advise anyone to make. Leaving your token as stake would yield you profit.

To acquire more

Staking or leaving your already staked Hive Engine tokens is the best as you will have more depending on the amount you have staked. There are percentages specified on each token you stake which will yield you benefits.

To gain reward

Yes, you will be handsomely rewarded. The more you have the more your rewards. There is serious benefits in staking your Hive engine tokens.

I have made the decision to take all my tokens which I have unstaked.

How can I get these Hive engine tokens?

You can get Hive engine tokens when you use some tags. This is why tags on Hive are very important. Sometimes one can get them through winning a contest.

I was having just 16 leofinance and decided to stake them all. My evidence below:

I staked about 200 pob added tl the 400 i had making a total of 600.

I also staked other tokens such as waiv token.

There is need to use tags on Hive

The image used are screenshots from my Hive engine

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