
My name is Colby and I'm a student at Oklahoma State University studying finance. I've been investing in the stock market for about 4 years with one of my first really good investments being the parent company of Pokémon GO which turned out to be a huge success, and also Nvidia was a big money maker for me. Last December I started learning about cryptocurrency. I instantly fell in love with blockchain technology and its many uses. After college I hope to work at a blockchain startup or even a big investment company and help them invest in cryptocurrency.
My hobbies include playing video games, golfing, playing guitar, hanging out with friends, traveling, and learning about blockchain and different cryptocurrency's.
One of the classes I'm taking this semester is about Blockchain and we're learning about Hive. One of my projects for this class is creating value for Hive let me know if anyone has any suggestions for my project.

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