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Having Greed is Good To Some Extent

We all wants to make more money by legal means and it's actually perceived by a lot of people that it's greed. But even if it is greed, it is good to some extent because that is actually helping us to increase our wealth. There can be numerous reasons why people think it's a greed, but most important reason is that people think that you can lose money if there is greed.


That's why I think we have to defined what is greed. Is greed for you to get more money meaning you can enjoy or does greed meaning more money so that you can help more people in achieving their dreams. What if I am greedy to earn more money on Hive so that I have more Hive power so that I can give more upvotes to other so that they can earn more money too. Thus in this being greedy is good. It's possible that yo can go wrong by doing some wrong trade or wanting it to be done too fast. But that doesn't mean that th goal is wrong, it is just that the execution is not done correctly.

We all want to earn enough to retire early, but there are people who says that why retire you can be in good health if you work. They think if we do not work then we will become lazy, but not working doesn't mean that I will sleep whole day. Retire early from my day job is just that I want to work on my passion in my free time. I like to blog or read articles or click photos, if I have enough money I can do these things without have to rely on weekends or the money we get from the day job.

Again there are some problems with some of the people is that they do not want to change, they think they get enough even though they can earn more. They do not think about the inflation because if they do not earn more then it's obvious that inflation will degrade their lifestyle in some years to come. But again Greed is not about wanting something which is not achievable, it's wanting something more. Similarly wanting more money to have nice lifestyle is in a way greed but it's a healthy greed. Because in this type of greed you are actually making your financial status healthy.

Previously we have heard too many people used to say that what you are gonna do with that money, we are middle class and we cannot become super rich. That's true, healthy greed does not mean that we wanting more money means I will become super rich, but it's about getting that much money where I do not have yo hibk twice in making myself as well as my family member happy to whatever things be it.