Advertising via Presearch!

Hi fellow Lions,

Today I am starting to participate in the small marketing method that I have available to me! I've been saving and now I get to spend some!


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Market Strategy

Now I know that the keyword stake I have is pretty focused on a particular topic, I think it was a good one to purchase, considering!

Presearch and Keyword Staking is going to really revolutionize the way internet searches are paid for and advertised. In the era of Blockchain and being able to see all of the transactions, it naturally means that the same should be the case for companies that operate a search engine. If you pay Google to advertise your product, you have no way to know how much you need to pay to stake a claim to whatever your advertisement is. With Presearch and Keyword Staking, it's pretty open and clear how much is needed to pay to advertise a particular word or phrase! As you can see below, Hive thankfully has more than just me using Presearch to buy ads! One of the top 50 witnesses, @liondani is also using the platform so that's awesome to see! He's out-bid me for how much token he is staking so I opted to not compete with that and instead go with Hive.Blog. Hopefully as more and more people go with search engine alternatives, the Presearch project will grow more and more. Here on Hive, I know that @taskmaster4450le and @erikah are both users of Presearch! That was a recent thing I learned and was thrilled. I want to try and get so many more people here into using it for the simple principle of taking traffic away from Google!


Thankfully the Presearch team has worked out the bugs. I tried to stake a few months ago but it wouldn't let me despite me having the correct amount of tokens. Staking it to the word or phrase is pretty easy which is awesome! I know I know, I should be using hiveonboard or something different but I will edit the referral link later to include that. Had to get it on there early so I could optimize!


One of the really cool things is that we receive notifications if we are outbid. Does a company like Google do that for you? I highly doubt it! They don't say anything unless you complain to them and they tell you to spend more money, not knowing what that increased amount is I would imagine. Keyword staking with Presearch isn't the case!


So this is awesome. I literally just staked this yesterday and it's already got 4 views! I think the people who are searching it are probably already users on here however it's still great to see. The way we earn tokens is to just search the internet anyways. What I do for my daily routine is use the Presearch engine and web search the website I am going to visit anyways and then click on it that way. It gets them a little bit of money and it gets me some tokens. Win-win for sure if you ask me!


This was really cool to see, @danishcrypto also uses Presearch and has enough token to stake the Splinterlands! I feel like that one is definitely going to be an important one in the near future, as the @splinterlands game grows and develops more.


Get in!

I think it would be really great if we could get more folks on here using it! I know that there are definitely 4 or 5 people that have read my posts that use Presearch consistently. I have gotten referral rewards on them and on my dashboard I can see who's been active and who has never used it or hasn't used it in a while.


If you use my referral link, you get a bonus 25 PRE tokens. If you go to their website on your own and sign up, you start with a big fat 0! In the 2 and a half years using it, my tokens, mostly by searching, are now worth almost 80$! If I had been using Google in that same period of time, guess what my account would be worth? Absolutely nothing for me but probably tens if not hundreds of thousands to Google, selling my metadata with no slice given to me. Not my kind of idea for how the internet will be used in the future! One of the most important things we can do is to sign up with companies like Presearch so we can compete in as many ways as we can with giants like Google who have an absolute monopoly over the markets.

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Connect with me!

Do you want to get paid, in crypto, for searching the internet? Try using and signing up for Presearch to earn some great crypto! I've currently got 2,117 PRE tokens, with a market value of $78.29. It doesn't sound like a lot but when you search using sites like Google you get paid $0! Join Presearch to break Google's stranglehold on the internet searches. If you'd like to sign up, use my referral link!

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