1k Leo Power Staked!

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to celebrate a milestone for me, staking 1k Leo Power!


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1k Leo Power Staked!

One of the things that I've done in the past when Leo first came out was unfortunately sell a lot of the Leo I was making or earning. It was one of the things that you think back on and say it wasn't the best idea however that's how we learn!

I know there are a good amount of people here in the Leo community who remember when Leo was first introduced, where it was matched with the stake one had in the very first tribe/community Palnet! Man those were some wild days that's for sure :D. It's incredible how things grow and prosper though! I know that I liked the Leo Finance concept and community but I didn't know it would grow this strongly and have such development going on all the time it feels like. That's some cool shit if you ask me!

I made it a point last year to get myself into the Leo Finance game for a few reasons. I was trying to expand my token distribution and one of the communities that's got the strongest support on here besides Splinterlands has got to be the Leo group! It's got all kinds of great content and is constantly developing so I knew it was about time for me to get back into keeping the Leo I was earning. I now just crossed 1k Leo Power on my dedicated Leo account, cmplxty.leo!


With the Leo community and the constant posts and engagement that's going on there, I think it's a good thing to get into the token side of it. The token price is what many people are focused on right now in these downturn times but those are the best times to get into projects that you enjoy and support! I know that I'm taking nearly all of my HBD and converting that into Hive for the expectation of when we come out on the other side of the bear cycle we are in, I can be in prime position to take advantage of some aspects of the token price. At the same time, with my posting in the Leo community at about once a week, I want to make sure I keep as many of the Leo tokens I am earning and when I have some extra funds lying around, to get in and buy some Leo!


One of the things that everyone says when it's a bull market cycle, even if it's just for a couple of weeks, is that "I wish I got into [X] when the token price was so cheap!" Well my friend, this is that time for you! I don't like to shill shitcoins so if I'm hyped on something it's got good potential. I know the Hive ecosystem here has it's own share of problems but it's got a more robust community of users, developers and investors than many other blockchains out there. We are still under the radar of many, although we are growing with the attention of places like Leo Finance and Splinterlands is drawing to the blockchain we are on. I am certainly trying to maximize the things I am into besides Bitcoin, and Hive and Leo are two of my top!

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