Invest like the daily bills you must pay

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There's one thing many of us have not been doing correctly, and that's why we refuse to leave a spot (I included). I just thought within myself and decided to blog about it. And that one thing is what anyone can do, no matter where you are or where you are located

That one thing I'm talking about is INVESTING ON A REGULAR BASIS as if you gonna miss out in life if you don't.

There's never a month we don't pay bills. For example, we pay for water, electricity, food, transport, recharging cell phone, and other miscellaneous. These are what we do every single day/month, and these are things we cannot carry over. We need to make those payments because if we don't, we won't be comfortable, and we're going to miss out on many things

So now, If we treat investing with the same mentality, and make payment into investing every month, just the same way we put payment into keeping ourselves comfortable, we would realize that within a short period, we would have a drastic financial change

It doesn't matter how much we put. If we decide to put $10, $20, $50, $1000 into an investment and we see it as something important that if we don't do, we would not be comfortable. (If we treat it this way), we've started giving ourselves the mindset of being elevated. Let me explain

  • We see ourselves as being savvy because we begin to see what's around us as an opportunity that produces growth in our income

  • Our life drastically changes because we've changed our orientation about life, by putting the first thing first when it comes to being financially free.

In conclusion, If we start treating investing on a regular basis the same way we treat paying our usual bills, we would see that to be financially solvent, we only need to commit a little, which in time would turn into a big thing. This is my opinion, and it's what has been eating me up, but I think I'm okay now that I've shared it with others. Hope someone out there gets a little drop of it

Thanks for reading.

This is ckole the laughing gas

One love

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