Stake realization using RobiniaSwap farm

Greetings to all readers, these last days I have shared with you several articles regarding the great RobiniaSwap project, this is because it is a new project and which promises a great future for the users of this DeFi, in the previous articles I explained the process of how to create your wallet, acquire your RBS, perform the Stake process (but in the pools) this time I will show you the process of how to perform through the Farms.

To perform the Stake there are 2 processes, the pools that is the use of a single token to perform the Stake, and through the Farms that is a pair of tokens, predetermined by the system, which you must have the same amount of investment in the 2 currencies, for a better understanding of what I mean, I will show you the steps to follow.

Step 1:

We must enter the RobiniaSwap official website page, and verify that we are connected with our corresponding wallet, on the top right of the screen, then in the menu on the left hand side we must press on the "TRADE" option and then liquidity, to acquire the pairs of coins we need, as shown in the image below.

Screenshot taken at: RobiniaSwap

Step 2:

When pressing on "Liquidity" she will show us a window in PancakeSwap, in which we must select the currencies we want to use for the Stake, and make investments in equal proportions, since the same value of both currencies must be used for this process, as shown in the following image, with the BNB and RBS.

Screenshot taken at: RobiniaSwap

Step 3:

When acquiring our currencies, we go back to the main screen and in the left menu we enter "Farms" where it will show us the available currency pairs for the Stake, as shown in the following image.

Screenshot taken at: RobiniaSwap

Step 4:

Before allowing us to make the Stake, we must approve the contract of the currency pair, which will ask us for a confirmation by metamask and a commission fee, which is paid in BNB that is why the importance of having availability of that currency, and sign only the contract of the one to be used to avoid more commissions.

Screenshot taken at: RobiniaSwap

The great RobiniaSwap project has this Farm area, where it is possible to acquire more interest, taking into consideration that one of the tokens for the stake can be a stablecoin, and the other a token that depreciates, so the risk is halved, since half of our capital is insured in the stable currency, This is one of the great advantages of being able to make this type of transaction on the RobiniaSwap platform, unlike the pools where the stake is made with only 1 coin, which can lose its value, thank you very much for reading my article, any questions at the bottom is the comments area.

All the images used by the Author @Chucho27 are Public Domain, in each one of them you can find the source of the image.

The image of the Banner at the bottom, is in the public domain obtained from: PixaBay

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