Analyzing the crypto market action of recent days.

Greetings to all readers of this great platform, especially to those who make life in the great community of #LeoFinance, in the present opportunity, I want to share with you information that is related to the crypto market, specifically to this behavior that has generated in recent days, and how it can affect the psychology of people this type of behavior, and with it you can make bad decisions.

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The problem of the crypto market, so to speak, since more than a problem is a cycle corresponding to the times of correction of the same, and fulfilling the cycle to perfection, this being the situation to which have been attached a lot of factors that generate the market to go down more and more, despite this and more than 50% loss in the value of BTC in the market, in the month of July this has slowed down a bit.

The reality is that the BTC since the beginning of July has not lost value, it has remained between 19K and 21k, which has been a great zone of indecision, where it is very difficult to predict the action that the market may take, due to this the transactions in the market decrease, the fear in some people increase, and for other people continue in the tranquility of waiting for the market to make the complete correction before starting to trade again.

In recent days, the market managed to increase by 8% in its market value, when we refer to BTC, which in some people generated a great impression, and they may have made some mistakes, such as having made purchases at the highest point, with a market that still does not confirm any market action, so it is very complicated to be making those purchases right at the resistance as it is a very common mistake.

Seeing that the market has started to go down again, this can generate a great pressure to the people who bought over the 22k of the BTC price, with which they are already in loss and may be selling at this moment, falling again in pressure of buying in resistances and selling in support, being one of the most common mistakes made by the vast majority of people, it may be that it goes up but most likely the market will fall even more.

All the images used by the Author @Chucho27 are Public Domain, in each one of them you can find the source of the image.

The image used in the banner at the bottom is by the author @chucho27, made using the Canva application.

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