Thief emptied my Metamask wallet, stole about $8000 in few minutes. Please keep your wallet safe.

I had a very bad day today, what I have been hearing and reading till now is that wallets are hacked in the crypto world and hundreds and millions of dollars worth of crypto are stolen within minutes. The same thing happened to me today, but I can't understand how it happened!!

This morning when I tried to log in to my Metamask it was not working, then I removed and reinstalled the Metamask Firefox extension and then I was able to connect to defi sites and access my wallet. Since this also happened to me in past, I didn't think much and uninstalled and reinstalled the wallet.

After doing all this I got busy with other work. I was blown away when I checked my wallet in the afternoon, for a moment I could not understand what had happened to me!! Once it seemed that my crypto was not visible due to some error but when I checked in Blockchain explorer, it was found that my $6500 worth of assets have been transferred to another wallet, which I did not do the transaction.

The thief couldn't steal about 1500$ of crypto because it was in the locking period, immediately I changed the password of the wallet so that when it become unlocked I can safely transfer it to my other wallet. But the pain was still there and before I could break the LP and transfer the crypto, the thief also stole around 1500$ worth of crypto right in front of my eyes.



Thief's wallet address


I still can't understand where did I go wrong due to which this accident happened to me. A friend of mine who is very knowledgeable about crypto often said that the assets held in the Metamask wallet are not completely secure and the slightest mistake can lead to losses. But how did all this happen when I didn't share my seed phrase and password anywhere? What I regret more than having crypto stolen is that I can't figure out where I went wrong? And until this is known, in the future I will feel unsafe dealing in crypto.

Whoever is reading this post and has a deep understanding of crypto and defi, I request you to share your knowledge in this regard here and please tell me what could be the possible reasons why this theft happened? This will not only help me figure out my mistake but also be useful for others to take necessary measures to safeguard their crypto asset.



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