P2P Everything

Hey Jessientrepreneurs

I often speak on the need to break the reliance on the centralised on-ramps and off-ramps of crypto and the importance of robust peer to peer markets.

At the moment we have apps like Localbitcoins and Paxful that offer peer to peer markets for excahgning fiat for crypto and vice versa. We also have apps like HODL HODL where you can create lending contracts on a peer to peer network.

But what about peer to peer markets in everything else, like eCommerce. Why don't we more markets where we can trade our skills, our goods and services, or items for crypto and vice versa.

I think having P2P markets are the way we really unlock the value sitting in cryptocurrency.


Trasnaction volume doesn't tell the full story

Billions of dollars are flowing through the crypto market each day and yes it's creation value in terms of the infrustruvure being built to handle more people and those using their crypto wealth for real world application but it doesn't tell the full story.

We cannot see how much GDP is created per Bitcoin floating around, that to me is going to be a more important factor than price and will show us if we have a healthy crypto market in the future.

Having P2P markets will allow us to get a sample of the GDP generated through crypto as we could see things like sales and transactions for various goods and services.

Exclusion of a greater market

Right now if you're not a coder, marketer, content creator, strategist, trader, fintech entrepreneur, artist (with NFT's) then you're probably not going to be securing much of the value in the crypto market with your labour.

This current structure excludes a ridicouls about of people, talent and value from entering the crypto market and using their talents to enrich the market and make it more competitive.

Converting labour into crypto

At the moment if I want Bitcoin I need to work, generate a payment take that fiat money and convert it into Bitcoin. I make a loss on transferring my fiat to the exchange and then when I purchase Bitcoin, so a part of my productivity is lost int he conversion process.

In a P2P market, I set the price for my labour and I retain more the value ex mining fees ofcourse, if It were on the lightning network or a cheaper chain I can retain even more and have my bill settled instantly.

I can then turn around and use that same value and purchase something I want. P2P markets the more robust they get will make labour tradable in places and in ways we've never seen before.

It's a project I think has massive potential and something I personally want to work on in the coming years.

Have your say

What do you good people of HIVE think?

So have at it,, my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, "I am a Jessie."

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