Invest So You Can Rest

Hey Jesswage slaves

I guess this will probably come off as a bit of a privilege rant but fuck it who among us is not guilty of one of those. I'm a millennial avocado toast and ranting with no idea of their actual privileged standing is what we do best.

I hear it all the time; in South Africa, we had apartheid, now I was really at the tail end of that shit, and for the most part, it didn't affect me too much, not as much as the asset grab that started in 1971 I would say but it's one of the popular demons round these parts.

Do I know what it was like to grow up and live in those times, no, have I heard the horror stories yes. People who grew up than had it hard compared to us keyboard warriors, but what they did have better was hard money.

Money that when you went to the store with a few coins or a note you came out with bags of groceries, not like today, I can spend thousands and come out with one bag of organic horse turds. This generations apartheid is inflation, and it's an unseen divider, that is so hard to put our finger on so we blame legacy systems, colonialism, apartheid, bla bla bla.

Not saying that shit wasn't terrible, not saying it didn't alter the course of history and peoples lives but I don't think its that big a problem as the currency crisis NO one talks about.


The lazy ass Millenial

I am your typical lazy ass Millenial all I would love to do is sit in a hammock, chill on the beach and do sweet fuck all with my time. The free love movement of the 60s got to do it and was sure as shit not punished for it, the retired well in their old age and lived out their golden years relatively unscathed.

I've been working for about 10 years now, well coming up to that and in the last 5, I work between 60 - 80 hours a week, as a lazy millennial. I live frugally, I don't have debt, well I leverage a credit card, but that's another story, and I invest like crazy.

Do I like doing any of this? Fuck no!! To me, its all a marshmallow test, all this pain or perceived pain has got to allow me some rest in the future. I'd rather work hard AF now and be able to rest as much as I want instead of working half-arsed each week to get a weekend off and 2 weeks paid vacation a year fuck that noise.

The cost of a Lambo

I see so many chasing Lambos and wanting to get rich while they are young and by all means fuck it up, get your money honey, do you boo! But think of the cost, to me nothing is worth more than leisure time.

I couldn't give 2 shits about a Lambo, a Lambo to me is like a few years of carefree days not having to worry about a job or work or fucking anything.

The only reason I invest is to rest, other than that, I'll figure it out once I have that free time on my hands.

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What do you good people of HIVE think?

So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, comment "I am a Jessie."

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