Does Ownership Of Anything Actually Exist?

Hey Js

The game of being a human revolves around ownership! We’re born into this world, taught skills and then we’re encouraged to sell those skills to others for the sake of money! Once we acquire money, we use this to go ahead to acquire other things!

  • It could be things you need to survive like food, water, clothing and a home!

  • It could be things that make your life easier like a smartphone, car and a washing machine.

  • It could be assets you use to generate future income, this could be something simple like a set of tools, or more complex like stocks and other paper assets

The fact is the game is one of “ownership”! We see it all the time, people flaunting their riches, what they’ve bought, it makes up the vast majority of social media content, things like we can own or consume.

But I’ve been wondering with so much focus on ownership:

  • Is all ownership equal?
  • Do we actually own anything?
  • And who actually owns us?



I think this is one of the most popular ways to saddle people with life long debt, the property ladder! We all need a place to live; it’s unavoidable.

As property continues to increase in terms of fiat pricing, it makes it harder to acquire. The rise in asset prices means you need to take out larger loans for longer time periods.

Some people can pay it off within their lifetime, but there’s a growing trend that sees people never pay off their home even when they retire or die.

So do you actually own your home?

To me, the definition of ownership is a bearer asset! Once you take ownership, it should be final should not have any obligations when you own it. This is not the case with the property; you still need to pay tax on it each year for owning the property.

Seems like an obligation to me, so it doesn’t fit my definition of ownership.


I can’t speak for all countries, but many have VAT or value-added tax on purchases. If you want to consume anything that we humans survive, we have to pay tax on it! Yes your right to eat, drink and clothe yourself is a taxable event.

Want to be self-sufficient and have livestock that you consume, so you don’t have to rely on stores and other value chains? Well, tough titties, you own something of value, we need a piece of that too.


To be part of modern society, you need to trade your labour in the market, also known as getting a job. The more you work, the more you earn, the more you earn, the more tax you need to pay.


So you have an idea that can benefit society, you want to start a business, create jobs, provide goods and services that benefit your community.

That’s all good and well, but if you are going to do that, you have to pay tax on it. Depending on your business or country, you pay income tax, import tax, VAT, employee tax, capital gains tax and more.

Trying to be self-sustainable and contribute to society means you need to be taxed! You’re effectively punished for trying to aid society.


You want to take your spare purchasing power and put it into Income generation or wealth preservation tools because your government inflates their currency to hell? Well if you’re going to be responsible with your money and not just consume it, that’s right we need to get part of that upside.

You took the risk; you did the research, you helped grow businesses with your funding, creating jobs and goods and services.

Thanks for all you’ve done that we couldn’t so pay us a piece of that.

Serfs of the state

If you can’t consume, sleep, work, invest, contribute or own anything without there being an obligation to it, that doesn’t scream freedom to me, that sounds like serfdom.

We’ve allowed the state to become too big, too influential, too ingrained in what we do as a society. There is now to unwind it, there are too many people who rely on it growing, and it will continue to grow until it implodes.

You might think you “own” things, but you are the thing being “owned”.

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