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Have an entrepreneur mindset

One of the most important things when starting any business is the change in mentality that we must make in this process, from being an employee to becoming an entrepreneur.


Work for goals and objectives

You must change the way you work for hours, you are no longer an employee, but a person who will obtain a business, you must plan what are the goals and objectives that you will have that business. Since working for hours we deceive ourselves into believing that by being busy we are doing the activities well, the other thing is that we do not learn to manage our time in the activities. Since time is something very fundamental that must be valued at every minute, remember that the money will not come because you spend a few hours in certain activities and you will be successful.

Seek Financial Freedom and Independence

Stop looking for comfort and security, if what you want is quick money, what you have in your mind is to look for a job since 15 days after starting your job they will make you the first payment, but if you have an entrepreneur mentality, you know that this path is the search for financial freedom and independence that the money will come from your actions, I know that it is a path that nothing is certain but many things are possible. We have to keep in mind that carrying out an enterprise is leaving our comfort zone, which is to be an employee, we must reset our employee brain and be an entrepreneurial mentality.

Find Customers

When you have clear objectives about what your business is going to do, you should look for tools that help you attract customers, either through digital or traditional marketing, this already depends on the income, since if you do not have customers, the business will end quickly without see started.

Learn to Delegate

When you have been employed you are used to carrying out the activities that the boss sends you, while having your business you must learn to delegate the activities to other people, since these are one of the tools that will help you get ahead, because if you absorb all activities and you do not delegate you will not be able to complete your venture but keep in mind:

  • Work with the best: Try to keep in your circle with people who have the same mentality as you, trustworthy, who are committed to the objectives of your business.
  • Empower your team: It makes no sense to hire smart people and then tell them what you have to do, if you choose the people on your team well, you just have to give them the most information and the necessary tools for them to do their job, because if all you do is impose the way you work, you are wasting the growth and development of your team.

Be a proactive person

Becoming an enterprising person is not easy, since those days will come when you will not want to open your business, where you see that your business is not providing what you were looking for, there will come a time when you will think that you were better off as an employee receiving money every 15 days, having some activities received by a boss, who worked with a fixed schedule, had a few days off, you will want to be an employee again than an entrepreneur, these days you must remember why you started being an entrepreneur.