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It's a Pleasure to be here- Let me Introduce Myself

Hello InLeo and the greater Hive Community, my name is BushcraftBites. It's a pleasure meeting you all. I think it's time that I introduce myself and let you in on the type of content I'll be sharing.


I'm a staunch advocate of freedom, true unfettered freedom. Because of this I have a strong independent streak that forces me to be a Jack-of-Many-Trades. I love to learn and am on a life-long journey to learn everything I can. I do most everything for myself, because I hate spending money. Spending money means you have to earn money and earning money means having to work in some way or another. I'm all about living, not working.

One of the ways I avoid working for others and the confines of the system itself is to turn other peoples waste into cash through a variety of ways. I strive to be a steward of the Earth by not only living a more natural life, but by giving old waste a new life. This is to both enrich mine and lessen the impacts that it has on the environment. I hate waste, so in my life I produce as little of it as possible, while helping to clean up the waste of others. I not only repurpose what I can, but what I can't gets properly recycled, which in most cases the scrap yard pays me to deliver it to them. believe it's important to be responsible stewards of this earth)

The second way I achieve my independence is to grow my own food. Gardening doesn't quite define my goals. I'm currently dabbling in Permaculture Design. I am currently, albeit slowly setting up my yard to produce edible and medicinal botanicals with as little input from me as possible. So, while I do have a garden, I have also planted a lot of perennials that will produce for many years to come. Every year I add something new and am always learning from my long trail of mistakes.

Other ways I maintain my independence is to fix everything myself and build what I need. I have basic knowledge of auto mechanics, plumbing, heating and cooling, basic electrical, solar system installation and maintenance, I can live in the bush indefinitely with what fits in a fanny pack and I prep, just to name a few. I'm always learning new things and love to research. I be sharing what I know and what I'm learning with you.

I am attempting to build a brand, but am quite the novice all around. I've never felt comfortable in front of a camera and tend to freeze up when speaking to a crowd. I've already created a few Shorts in an attempt to work on this. Being a novice, what I produce at first won't be polished, but I have to start somewhere and with your help and feedback I will improve with each publication. I will be solely using, because of the tools they've built, like Threads and Shorts. I think that with this wide array of tools I can not only grow, but thrive within the Hive ecosystem.

As for the content I intend to create, the topics are wide ranging. I dabble in survival, bushcraft, all trade Skills, ultralite backpacking, foraging wild edibles and medicinal palnts/fungi, so identification and use will be involved. I'm currently learning Tai Chi, travel often and hope to share that journey and tutorials on a wide range of topics. Some of my content might be more flashy, like photography, but most of it will be educational. My goal is to only share what others can take something from to improve themselves.

Since joining InLeo I've doing some research into the project itself and its parent Hive. It's what I've learned so far that has inspired me to go all in. On top of the censorship resistance, I really love the structure of the Hive Governance. While not perfect, it is leaps and bounds beyond the current Centralized Governance we are all subjected to now. Hive Governance is the basics for where we as a civilization need to go from here forward. Not only can Blockchain Technology change the way we elect our leaders, but it can bring true Democracy to the masses.

On top of that I will be seeking out new users to make sure they feel seen and appreciated. I think this is key for retention and retention is the key to success. I hope that what I do makes a difference and that others see that it is and it makes them want to get more involved themselves. It's all in the early stages, but as long as I'm consistent it should catch on and grow. I really like what the @freecompliments is doing and will be incorporating what they've shown to work into what I'm doing. Maybe there's a partnership in the future there. They are investing in the success of individual users, which is the perfect formula for success all around. @IGiveFreeCompliments asked me to tag him in my Intro Post, so here it is.

Well, that's a little about me and my plans. It's a pleasure to meet you and can't wait to meet more of the community as times moves forward. I hope you find what I laid forth here to be interesting and that motivates you to give me a follow. Let's build and share together, so Hive and InLeo becomes the number one platform for freedom.