Don't let anyone rush you with their timelines

There are many depressed people in the world because they are comparing themselves with others doing better than them.


Happiness is a state of mind, you can be rich and still be sad if you keep comparing yourself with people richer than you. you tend to forget that you are doing better than some other people and your status is their prayer point.

The funny part is that sometimes you might even be doing better than those you envy, the fake life they are living is what they use to deceive you and others into believing they are doing better.

Sometime ago, a man posted a beautiful house on Twitter and asked people to celebrate his new house with him, you need to see comments of people tapping from his grace and some were even feeling sad that they are older than him yet can't boast of a small house talkless of the duplex the man built.

Unfortunately for the man, those who know the real owner of the house saw the post and tagged him in the comment section and yours truly asked the fake owner when he sold the house to him, that was a plot twist and all the tappers stopped tapping, it was the moment for those feeling sad to rejoice, you know how most people tend to get happy over such news, the fake owner was embarrassed that he had to delete the post...

It was later discovered he still lived with his parent and owned nothing apart from the rich clothes he spent the money he got from scamming others to buy... his only assets are the clothes and the iPhone he is using to post nonsense.

Many people have believed they are unlucky in life due to the guy's content but then when the truth came out, it was discovered they are even better than him, there are many cases like this but since their secret isn't yet revealed, you may not know.

Irrespective of Age and time, never compare yourself with others, we all have our time to shine, someone you know may be doing better than you now but it does not mean you can't overtake when it is your time, do not spend your life depressed over successful people lifestyle and achievement, instead spend it thinking, planning and strategizing on how to get your bags filled and be the prayer point of others .

Another mistake that others make is leaving their path to follow someone's else path because the person is doing great, we all have our talent and we should stick to what we know how to do best, it will make us great someday rather than trying to do what you can't do but you insist on doing it because you see those doing it becoming successful. It is their way, stick to yours!

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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