Using Dustseller to Sell Off Your Small Token Balances

Sometimes you looke in your Hive Engine or Tribaldex wallet and see small balances of random tokens you've been tipped, somehow accumulated through curation or posting. Not a problem. Unless it's some obscure token nobody wants, you can usually find a buyer. The only problem is you're going to be spending the next hour selling off small denominations of tokens, right? Wrong!

(Created with Bing)

Hivegadgets has a tool for you to save you some time! It's called Dustseller.

Note: All images used here are sourced from Hivegadgets unless stated otherwise. (Source)

Go to in the Keychain browser. Start by clicking on "Dustseller".

All you do is put in your Hive username and click "Show Token".

Down below, it will load your token wallet and show all of your balances.

It looks like I have a few small tokens I've accumulated.

To sell these off, you’ll go through the list and tap the checkbox next to each one you'd like to sell off. It's all or nothing, so be prepared to sell everything or manually go into HE or Tribaldex to sell partial amounts.

Then you'll go to "3. Actions" and you'll have some options.

I typically choose "Highest Bid" because I know it'll be sold quickly, but they give you other options if you're looking to maximize your profit. Click "Sell Selected" and you're done!

You'll have sold off all of those small balances of tokens and will have SWAP.HIVE to go spend on whatever you'd like!

Hopefully this saves you time managing those small token balances. Happy selling!

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