Financial & Money Affirmations for Sunday, January 24

Financial affirmations for Sunday, January 24

Reading and/or speaking these affirmations will integrate money consciousness into your subconscious through auto-suggestion. Enjoy!


  • I am healthy and wealthy, and there is nothing that can change that.

  • I manifest and receive money in my sleep without energy or exerted effort.

  • Earning and receiving money is not a result of hard work. It is a result of offering my value to the world and the marketplace. This value comes quickly and easily, and is shared easily.

  • Throughout my life I’ve learned many skills, concepts, and strategies that I can share with the world.

  • My income streams are multiple and are ever-growing. I am not limited to one stream of income, and therefore open to a multitude of infinite options to receive money.

  • I am free and allowed to earn money in the ways I wish to. I am not forced to do work that I do not want to do to obtain money.

  • I focus and invest my money wisely without reckless spending. I pay attention to prices and do not overspend on goods or services which are not fully required.

  • I am able to be frugal and wealthy at the same time.

  • When I want to gain a return on my investment, I invest wisely with the lowest risk possible. This is because it doesn’t make sense to try to achieve a very high return while having very high risk.

  • Not only am I constantly building my wealth, but I am retaining it.

  • I am always learning and growing, and thus able to offer more of my knowledge, mindset, and skills to the marketplace.

  • Money is so abundant to me that the flow never ceases. I offer money to people in charities that can use my money to help humanity.

  • I will fully share my experience in my knowledge with friends and family to help them obtain money consciousness.

  • I have no fear of poverty or a lack of wealth, for I know I am in the flow and in the constant receipt of money.

  • I see money as a beautiful, amazing, and necessary benefit to my life.

  • More money allows my true self to be magnified throughout my life.

  • There is nothing wrong with having an earning money. I could be the richest person in the world yet still remain humble, gentle, kind, and caring.

  • Money has not, does not, and will not ever change me.

  • I obtain wealth and build my wealth to help myself, my family, and my community.

Much love!

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